It's not the weekend and I deserve to spend some time of my own, doing what I have so long neglected: Plotting To Take Over The World. Naturally this impacts on the length of time I have to craft deathless prose, so make the most of this.
Yesterday's first post began with a reference to socks, and the smell of used ones being burnt, because this cruel and hurtful jibe was levelled at my grilled Italian blue cheese. Apparently it smelt like that. Well, I am over it now, and wanted to introduce more bloody socks.
No, Vulnavia! I am not swearing. Remember if you will that BOOJUM! is SFW. Perhaps the picture will serve better as an explanation. Art?
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Literally bloody socks, you can only agree! |
Right, enough ice broken! Let the phaeton of phantasy roll on with it's "L" plates showing and a siren sounding!
Conrad Is Unsure About This
Last night I scoffed the last of my Cinnamon Biscuit ice cream, and because I'd put it down before starting the blog, I only remembered about it once it had practically thawed. Of course I fell upon it like the wolf upon the fold*, and in an instant it was gone.
So, we only have the Gelato in the freezer, as I'd finished the last cornetto at breakfast this morning. Plainly the Mansion required a second variety of ice cream. This seemed interesting, and it wasn't made up of chocolate:
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Uncertainty persists |
I haven't written it off entirely. After having more tonight I shall get back to you on this.
More Sugar
Of the metaphorical kind. As you know, Conrad is a flinty-hearted rascal who finds other people's suffering and misery to be highly entertaining, what we call "Schadenfreude". This next is the complete opposite, a group of chaps enjoying themselves dancing. Art?
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A Little Musical Critique
We've not had a deconstruction of anyone's lyrics for a while now, so I am going to put The Gaslight Anthem squarely in the cross-hairs of my sniperscope, and focus on their song "The '59 Sound", probably the best track of the eponymous album.
"Well I wonder which song they're gonna play when we go"
Excuse ME! Don't include Conrad in your desire to meet your maker so quickly, ta very much. I intend to extend my end, friend.
Although - which song would your humble scribe choose? Three that I can think of straight away - 1) "Jesu Joy Of Man's Desiring" by the incomparable Johann Sebastian Bach, as it is a simply sublime piece of music.
- and there's a Youtube link to it being played on an organ.
2) "People Help The People" by Cherry Ghost, because again it's a wonderful song with a positive ethos.
3) "One Of These Days" by Pink Floyd, because it's a boss instrumental and the line "One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces" says a lot about the human condition.
"I hope it's something quiet and minor and peaceful and slow"
Er - okay, choices one and two fit the bill, number three not in any way, shape or form. It could have been worse, I might have picked "Metal Machine Music".
"When we float out into the ether into the everlasting arms"
Does that scan? It certainly doesn't rhyme. Also, I remain unsure about floating on ether as it is notably volatile and affects the breathing. Oh - whose arms are those? Why are they going to last for infinity?
"I hope we don't hear Marley's chains we forged in life"
Ah, yes. Marley, taken from Dickens, you know. Much to my surprise, I enjoyed reading Dickens. Marley comes from "A Christmas Carol" and is cruelly laden with chains, although, since he's a ghost, they possibly disturb him less than you'd imagine.
"We'll see you later, Conrad." |
Finally - How To Speak Cat - An Occasional Series
Allow me to demonstrate. Art?
"Yes human I am quite comfortable"
- an alternative iteration is:
"Go away. Now."
* "Greedily" - translation courtesy Mister Hand.
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