I think it's still considerably pithier than "Dispute of the Incipient Megalomaniacs", which would also take up most of the room on the film poster.
I can see that puzzled glint in your eye. Don't worry, it will all become clear and, if not, I hope you enjoyed the ride.
My reference is to lunchtime yesterday, where I was cajoling a curmudgeonly and cantankerous Tom, purely out of the goodness of my heart, as the lad was unwell and your humble scribe was trying to divert him with insouciant banter (which is the best kind).
"Have you thought about what you'd do if you were World Dictator?" I prompted.
Just to get the conversation rolling, I pointed out that when - not if - I got to be World Dictator, Banana Toffee Popcorn would make a triumphant return.
Joy in a bag |
I know, I know - what madness is this! I may have to demote Tom from his interim position as Murderous Music Minister, because I can't have my dignity and pomp threatened by a man who cannot appreciate one of nature's basic foods.
This, however, is practically a war-crime |
Verbosity, Thy Name Is Conrad
I've checked this out and, bar where I've deliberately avoided writing because of bleed-through from the ink, my current notebook is now full. Back in the day when the blog was young, a typical set of notes would consist of four words written on a notebook the size of two postage stamps end to end.
Now, for better or worse, I write out pages of notes before typing them up, all of which means I've filled my notebook in a month.
![]() |
Wild scrivel in it's natural state |
All The Pens, All The Time
Conrad, as we know, is not especially acquisitive or materialistic, apart from two things: books and pens. You've had endless examples of what books he's bought, with rather less emphasis on pens.
Well, on a whim last night, and to prove to Twitter that I exist beyond braying about BOOJUM! I collected together most of my pens and took a picture. Art?
![]() |
You have seen the evidence, gentle reader - do I have a problem?
Sheer Bloody HORROR! - And The National Trust
This, folks, is what is meant by "bathos", which word encapsulates that phrase "From the sublime to the ridiculous".
You can stop edging toward the exit, I'm not carrying anything sharp and I shall explain a little more. Conrad checks out "Anything Horror" regularly, as he knows one of the reviewers there. Art? Link.
Don't say I didn't warn you, as this is a site about horror films, and you can expect to see a fair bit of people's magic go-juice being liberally liberated from their veins. For example-
The rabbit strikes back |
You can't get more twee and English than the National Trust, unless you sat around a table drinking tea and eating muffins after joining it. Somehow it kind of - clashes, is the word, I suppose. BLOOD! CARNAGE! SEVERED LIMBS! " - and a cup of loose-leaf Darjeeling, please."
More Sinister Forward Planning
O yes indeed. You are surely familiar with Conrad's delight in all things that go BANG, and the bigger the BANG the happier he is. Say hello to a German man-portable anti-tank rocket launcher:
- but say it quietly and respectfully |
Sensible folk that you are, I bet you can tell where this is going ...
Right, a slightly shorter post tonight as I'm going to try and bake a cake tonight, AND watch the first summer episode of "The Great British Bake Off". Toodle pip!
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