- one thing those scientists are always dragging out is the charge of an electron, which they trot out smugly as if wanting applause. Then there is the sunrise; it's been making it's way across the heavens for the past four and a half billion years, which is a fair span of time and merits a little grudging handclapping.
Okay, that's your 15 minutes, on your way now |
Let us examine the 24's performance this morning. Did it come on time? Yes it did. You want applause, First? B*gger off, you're not getting any! Was this on-time bus (I feel I must make a lot of this point) a double-decker? Yes, it was. And you're still not getting any applause! It didn't need to be, it's the school holidays with fewer passengers, yet one must note that they made an effort. Did it have copies of The Metro on board?
The Metro's finest moment |
Well now, we reach Chadderton and the passengers from the 181 in front all decamp onto the 24, because their bus has broken down. That, or the driver is afraid of traffic.
Sorry, Your Honour, I Have No Idea
Why did I screenshot the "Mickey Mouse Song" from the very end of "Full Metal Jacket"? Art?
You got me there. Perhaps still working on why Disney didn't sue Stan for wheelbarrows full of cash. Then again, if you mix it with Stanley Kubrick, you'd better not have any skeletons in any closets. Not even a wishing-bone in a shoe-box at the back of the garage, in fact.
- hang on, we've just been overtaken by the 181. Did the driver suddenly get better? And where did all these passengers come from? Are they breeding in the bus stops? LOOK! There's more of them! -
Dessicated By Design
This is an example of a picture in search of a caption, with a bit of gloasting thrown in. Art?
![]() |
Behold! and yes, that is Dan Dare |
Although this sinister cubbyhole's ceiling is dark and dismal, the comics aren't, thanks to the dehumidifier. Noble gadget!
Er - and that's about that.
- good Lord aloft, where are all these passengers coming from? The late bus in and yet it's rammed, standing room only. Things are so bad that a lady has chosen to sit next to me. I knew I should have started muttering to myself.
You What?
Tom and Russell at work have both made the assertion that your humble scribe will eat anything. They may well be right. Please examine the following:
This is, believe it or not, "dairy-free cheese". For those with lactose intolerance, before you ask, and not some sinister South Canadian chemical concoction they created merely because they could.
It looks like cheese, and it smells like cheese. It tastes, however, like edible wax.
'Horrid!' was the verdict of both Wonder Wifey, who is picky about what she eats, and Degsy, who is not. 'Give it to Rob!' was their reaction.
(At this point I have to explain that "Conrad" is officially my first name, except that I have always been known as "Rob", except when in trouble, when it is "Robert").
So I ate about half of it, before deciding that tiring my jaws to no purpose had little future, and I went back to my Sesame Snaps.
- dammit, that will have repercussions. The passengers were so crowded I had to use my light sabre to get past them. Is blood easy to get out of shoe leather?
Because it's late and I'm hurrying, a bit of cute-animal padding. Art?
Hmmm, Close enough. |
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