Yes, not two ways about it. "Evil to those who evil think", and since BOOJUM! avoids swearing, religion or politics, if there's any Bad Vibes here then Conrad can wash his hands clean of any blame and point the finger - excuse me - the Finger Of Responsibility at his audience. Yes, you!
The symbolic Lillies that represent Conrad's conscience. Yes. Really |
The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword
Also, it takes up considerably less space. Yes, it* needs ink and occasional cleaning in running water to remove pigment deposits, but it doesn't weigh 12 pounds or threaten to sever your digits when being cleaned, and you don't need to declare it to Customs and have it stuck in the baggage hold.
Conrad, ever wary of the possibility that his current batch of pens might run out because he bought them all at the same time, has got another 12 to make sure he can scrawl to his heart's content.
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Wow. They looked more impressive scattered all over the place. |
Sigh <Mister Hand intervenes to prevent a three-hour lecture on The Fountain Pen And The Deline Of Western Civilisation>
The Long-Awaited Screenplay
As mentioned in yesterday's blog (which you did read - DIDN'T YOU!) Conrad has finally finished the annotation of dialogue from "The Kraken Wakes". This now joins the plot synopsis, the characters, the locations and a short article on how much an elongated half-egg shape (a "sea-tank") would weigh - about a hundred tons as a guesstimate.
What he now has to do is go back to "Screenwriting for Dummies" for more guidance.
And yet - the novel takes place over a period of some ten years, which is rather hard to telescope meaningfully for a single film, even if it is 200 minutes long.
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Progress to date. Wow. I impress even me. |
That Struck A Chord!
Pondering about music, reading Dorothy Sayers and sipping a cup of Russian Caravan Tea, Conrad thought all was good in the world. "Harpsichord"? he wondered. "What kind of -chord is that?"
Forgive a camouflaged alien spy's perspective, but he rather imagines the contemporary reader slightly baffled by words that end in "-chord". Let us eludicate***:
This is a keyboard instrument where the strings are plucked, not hit, giving a unique but restricted sound. Harpsichords were very much out of fashion by the late 18th century, but enjoyed a renaissance in the 20th century.
A work of art in space and sound |
I know, it sounds like a bad pun. If you encountered a misericord, you were in for a bad day, not a pun, as it was a very narrow-bladed dagger used to get between the armour plates of Medieval knights. As in turning them into human kebabs - "miseri" being a corruption of the Latin for "Mercy", since those delivering the death-blow were seen as putting the poor fallen-down knight out of his misery. Excuse me! If Conrad falls over on the ice and snow during winter, do NOT come after him with a misericorde!
Misericord! Long, thin, sharp, not derived from a harp. |
Conrad confesses to not having seen a single episode of this comedy series. It does come from North America, but in the Canadian sense, so it might well be funny.
Ah. Obviously superheroes with Stratocasters |
Moving swiftly on -
This is a biological term and refers to a stage of embryological development early in the life-cycle of a foetus. You may think of a notochord as analogous to the spinal chord. Mentioned several times in the science-fiction works of Larry Niven, so it must be true.
Happy as Larry |
Edna the Wunderhund is ever ready to learn new tricks and skills. She has the Fetch-Bring-Drop sequence almost correct and is now working on that hideous 80's disco hit "Summer Nights", viz:
Don't tell me, Conrad is awful for exploiting small cute animls for blog traffic.
Aren't I just! Tee hee!
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