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Sunday 8 September 2024

Sunday's Sternward Glance

Yes, That Time On Sunday Afternoon Has Rolled Around Again

I am happy to state that my trot with Edna, and my sojourn to Lesser Sodom (Royton if we're being formal) were rain-free, ha ha!  I am currently typing this whilst the Sunday Stew simmers, looking out of the window at the rain.  A snifter of lemon-and-ginger gin to perk the spirits up a bit?  Yes thanks!  Art!

     Proof that Conrad is a big fat clumsy oaf, because that's my desk lamp lying on the floor after I propelled it there courtesy of my sausage fingers.

     This is the same desk lamp that has the bulb partially falling apart, a state it has been maintaining for several months now.  Yes, I do have a replacement bulb to put in, I just don't like to give up on the plucky little fella who is still working.

     ANYWAY enough of domestic harmony in the Sekrit Layr, time to lay down the links.


BOOJUM!: A Blow-By-Blow Job (


BOOJUM!: Hitler As Military Fathead (


BOOJUM!: Staring Sternly (


BOOJUM!: Rock And Roller (


BOOJUM!: I Am Slightly Late With This (


BOOJUM!: Big Bang Theories (


BOOJUM!: Operation Teapot (


BOOJUM!: A Zero Sum Game? (


BOOJUM!: What Ho, Data, You're Stood In A Crater! (


BOOJUM!: Learn To Love Latin (


BOOJUM!: September SUN! (

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