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Sunday, 29 September 2024

Lordy The Fraudy!

Or, Rather, The Lack Of It

I can't go with the title that popped into my mind "Bawdy Fraudy", because there's nothing bawdy or licentious about the content herein this Intro.  Nor is there any fraud, which is half the problem.  Let us now, as we are wont to do, define exactly what 'Fraud' is, thank you "Collins Concise Dictionary" take it away!

     "Fraud: deliberate deception, trickery, or cheating intended to gain an advantage.  From Old French via Latin <hack spit> 'Fraus' meaning deception."


When they ran out of makeup and had to use gravy browning instead

     And, how poetic, right underneath 'Fraud' in my CCD, it has 'Fraudster', which it simply defines as "A swindler".  For Lo! we are back on the subject of Fatty Bumpkin again, the wonderful content creator whom will be sadly missed when he strokes out in his prison cell next year.

     So, what is this Intro about?  O I thought you'd never ask.  Art?

     There you go, nothing.

     It may have escaped your attention that Donold Judas Trump lost the 2020 election, which he has never stopped prating about since then.  His invective propelled a riotous mob into assaulting the Capitol and people died, which he tried to portray as 'tourists' having a wander.  Hundreds of these people have been sentenced to long prison terms, which is but one step short of winning a Darwin Award.  Art!

CAUTION!  Do NOT try this at home.  Just to be clear.

     All in the service of 'Stopping The Steal'.  Recently, however, we have had sworn testimony that DJ Tango knew he'd lost, viz:

I don't want people to know that we lost, Mark. This is embarrassing. Figure it out. We need to figure it out. I don't want people to know that we lost."

—Donald Trump to his Chief of staff on December 12th, 2020

     As you might expect, this has gone down like nerve gas in a perfume retailer with the convicts and those who rose up at Trump's words on January 6th, many of whom are incensed that they were lied to.  Gosh!  Donold Trump lying, what a shocker!  Art?

     He also lies by omission.  See the logos of those two organisations above?  The Flabby Felon hired both of them to look for evidence of voter fraud, which he claimed - with 0% evidence - to have taken place on a massive scale.  In fact he blew £1 million on their services, and must have paid them in advance because they found NO evidence of voter fraud.  I say 'in advance' because Pumpkinhead is the kind of bottomhole to refuse to pay since they didn't find anything wrong.  Here's the salient 'lying by omission' part: both these companies reported their lack of evidence two years ago, and the Farting Fraudster was sufficiently dismayed that he kept it a secret.  BRG handed in a 29-page report that systematically destroyed every alleged instance of fraud.  Art!

     That's Ken Block, the owner of Simpatico Systems, and he's been publicising a book he wrote about their fraud investigation for Trump and how it came out a nothingburger.  Let me quote Ken himself: 
The Trump Campaign asked me to look at claims of fraud... my team looked at approximately 15 or so claims, every one of which we were able to prove was false….. they misinterpreted data, came up with a wild finding that was bizarre and couldn't possibly be right."

     A Quoran posted that there have been 1,513 proven cases of electoral fraud - over the past twenty years.  If we assume a total of 300,000,000 voters taking part in the elections, that's one fraud for approximately 200,000 voters, or 0.00002%.  This is miniscule, a factor so small it can be dismissed as having no effect on election results, especially as potentially half the votes will have been for the Ice Cream Bandits, not the Lizard Wizard Gizzards.

     I guess we'll find out what's what in another 6 weeks.  Expect Pimpinhead to trot out the 'It was stollen*!" lies before voting even finishes.  Art!

Stollen.  Apparently he ignores his spellchecker as well as his advisors.

The Haul

Unlike some of my former compatriots, Your Humble Scribe continues to use Sainsbo's on a regular basis, because it's the only place you can get loose-leaf Darjeeling at a reasonable price.  Yes, I still have plenty of my Prospect Plantation loose-leaf left, because at £24 per pack it's not a tea you drink every breakfast.  Art!

     It's also a convenient source of great big bags of paprika powder, which I use plentifully in my Sunday Stews.  Plus! remaindered pizza, which always tastes better than full price pizza.

More Military Madness

You will be delighted to know that I've now Blu-Takd all the counters I'd been using for the 1918 scenario of "The Great War In Europe" to sheets of A4 paper, and in numerical order, too.

     I have now decided to run the Italian Front scenarios, as it's a much smaller map - Art!

     The counter-mix for the Italian and Austro-Hungarian armies is also a lot smaller than the enormous numbers of Allied and Teuton counters for that 1918 scenario.  I've only had a quick flick through the scenarios and wonder if they'll include the 3 British and 3 French divisions sent there in 1917? and also Teuton Stosstruppen for the Caporetto battle?  Art!

     All sorted into numerical order but not Blu-Takd yet so DO NOT BUMP THE TABLE! as murder often offends.

"The War Illustrated Edition 195 8th December 1944"

Yes, another item about matters military.  Sue me if you want, it's not as if you pay to read this scrivel, is it?  Not that many would, I presume, bec

     ANYWAY let us crack on.  Art!

     They're really bigging-up the Allied assault on Walcheren Island.  Here you see a landing craft that foundered, probably due to enemy fire, with another standing-to in order to rescue the swimming soldiery.  At bottom you can see another landing craft stuffed with Royal Marines and vehicles, ready to do what Royal Marines specialise in - amphibious landings.  None are visible but Conrad rather suspects that there will be a BARV on that beach.  Art!

     There you go, a Beach Armoured Recovery Vehicle, waterproofed, able to 'wade' in water nine feet deep thanks to a conning tower, and with a great big baulk of timber on the front for gently pushing landing craft out into deeper water where they can float off.  There's not often an opportunity for the BARV to be mentioned in BOOUM! so I am taking this opportunity to show it some love.

Finally -

Right!  The sun has now hidden itself away behind a louring set of disgustingly grey clouds, yet it's not raining - so far.  Conrad needs to take a constitutional stroll into Lesser Sodom very shortly, as I've got a shopping list to satisfy as well as a step count to boost.

     And with that, and this, we are now at Count.  Tattybye!

*  You  want proof?  "they have stollen two years of my (our) Presidency (Collusion Delusion) that we will never be able to get back.”  There you go, a genuine Trump Truth, which is to say, of course - obviously! - a lie.

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