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Saturday, 17 February 2024

EMM Appeal

NO!  I Know What You're Thinking

Not only are you WRONG, you are also a despicable band of disgustrous perverted letches.  Or even disgustrous letchy perverts.  Conrad is quite abreast aware of how you think, and you're expecting a salacious Intro all about Emma Peel, wearing a skin-tight leotard or a very short skirt.  Art!

" - then she punched their disgustrous lights out"

     Well HA! the joke's on you, because this Intro is all about the background to Bloaty Biffer Bafune Boy, whom you and I would run from in order to get mind-bleach were he to appear in a skin-tight leotard or a very short skirt.

     Today's title is an acronym, because Conrad is adept with mucking about with English, and of course - obviously! - it means Exigible Mandatory Misanthropic Appeal.

     What's one of those when it's at home?  The inevitable result when DJ Tango loses a court case.  After verbally throwing his toys out of the pram, he then gets the case referred to an Apellate Court, who will (eventually) sit in judgement and usually find that there aren't any bounds for an appeal.  Donald Buck will then verbally throw the pillow and blankets out of the pram, and appeal to the Supreme Court.  They will (eventually) sit in judgement and usually find that there aren't any grounds for an appeal.  Art!

     One of the reasons Emma Peel was so successful as a character was Diana Rigg's chemistry with John Steed, played by Patrick MacNee.  Also she was hot AND A GOOD ACTRESS AND A GOOD ACTRESS besides which sh

     ANYWAY would you rather have a picture of the Toxic Tangerine Toad instead? because there's a horrifying AI picture on Twitter that will need mind-bleach and memory-blockers to un-see.  Okay, okay, back on track.  You may be wondering why Judge Engeron didn't impose the full $370 million fine requested upon our favourite headline-hogger, and according to Harry Litman, - Art!

If Harry is smiling, someone is in trouble.
Big trouble.

     South Canadian attorney and ex-Attorney General, currently a law professor and thus a man who knows what he's talking about, this was to 'Appeal-proof' the verdict.  If the judge deliberately pitches the total well under the requested amount, this undercuts any Entitled Moaning Me-me-me Appeal that Pimpkinhead may try to file.  Art!

     Ummmmmm can't think of a reason why this picture is here, just accept it and move on.  

     Where were we?

     O yes.  Harry also confirmed the actual total now due is not merely $354 million, but actually $450 million thanks to back-dated interest added on.  BOOJUM! has mentioned this in the past but got the total too high, for which we are not remotely sorry, sue us if you want, we still don't care.  Art!

     Harry also pointed out another problem for Grumpy Trumpy.  An Independent Compliance Officer has been appointed to oversee everything about the Trump Organisation, meaning Donnie needs to ask their permission to even get so much as a takeaway pizza, because he's effectively lost control of his own business.  This imposition came about because DJ Tango ignored the previous compliance monitor (whom he slagged off after mutually agreeing to have her appointed how utterly unsurprising, said Conrad the cynic)and continued to do whatever he felt like, which is pretty much his MO throughout his adult life.  So much for the long-portrayed image of a successful, rich businessman; now he's a convicted crim unable to carry out any business in New York for three years.
     It'll give him plenty of time to play golf, however*.  Art!

CAUTION!  Do not grab! as being brained with a golf club can cause sudden death

Hot Stuff

Conrad, as we all know, is a creature of habit.  On a workday his afternoon ritual at lunchtime consists of heating up a big bowl of Sunday Stew, toasting a couple of slices of bread and making a cup of coffee WITH COFFEE BAGS.  No lie, I cannot go back to instant after coffee bags.

     The trouble is - always a fly in the ointment - it takes all of nine minutes to get this done and get back upstairs to the Sekrit Layr, where I then have to scoff the food, upload a new link to BOOJUM! and check for Twitter Notifications.

     Here an aside.  Hey, I waited!  I have been posting a lot of snarky comments and replies on Twitter, which may be driving up my blog traffic.  Art!

     Or Blogger's tracking algorithm may be up the spout again.  Allow me to prove this possible statistical spike's source - 

and 46 others liked your reply

Agreed! There are some FSB officers getting sore necks from always looking over their shoulder, and needing regular changes of underwear whenever a loud noise happens.

     Vegas, baby, Vegas!  The original Reply has 100 likes.

     Where were we?   

     O yes.

     So, by the time I've bolted the stew, scarfed the toast and no Edna never ever gets so much as a nibble on a crust the coffee still hasn't cooled sufficiently to drink.  By the time it has I am back on the phones and the drink goes cold.

     HOWEVER! a word I bet you never saw coming.  Art!

     Behold the Insulated Cup With Cover.  I test-drank one of these this afternoon and the coffee was still hot stuff two hours later.  Well done Wonder Wifey for suggesting the purchase.

Asking Leading Questions!

Conrad was taught not to do this whilst studying for his NVQ 3.  Naughty James Waterhouse!  Art?

     He being the writer.

     The simple answer is no.  We've been here before.  The Wagner Group conquered Bakhmut last year at enormous cost - up to 60,000 casualties - in a archetypal Pyrrhic victory, because the Ruffian lines then sat there unmoving.  So much for the Krembots and trolls who chorused "Bakhmut, the gateway to Kyiv!"

     In fact the previous summer of 2022 exactly the same process happened with the twin Ukrainian cities of Lysychansk and Severo-Donetsk.  The Ruffians conquered them, by which time they were simply enormous piles of rubble, and again at such ruinous expense that they had to stop operations. Art!

     Here the Ruffians actually had a genuine strategy, in removing an Ukrainian bridgehead across the Donetsk River.  In Avdiivka?  Who knows.
     There is a coda to James' question.  The Ruffian VVS (their Air Force) seemed to think that having boots on the ground - sorry, boots on the rubble pile - in Avdiivka meant they could swan about over the ex-battlefield.  Art!

Hello! said the Patriot battery

  2 x Su-34s and 1 x Su-45 downed.  Or about $100 million-worth of planes that cannot be replaced.  


No, not the comedy-thriller starring Jeff Daniels and John Goodman.  I mean "Madam Web", the recently-released Spiderman-absent-Spiderman film, which has garnered glowing reviews on Youtube.  Except the glow is from radioactive waste, as nobody seems to like the film.  Art!

     This is Nerdrotic, and Mrs Nerdrotic.  I may have picked his channel's review rashly here, for he plainly hated the film and was snarky about it for about 12 minutes straight, including the fact that he took Mrs Nerdrotic to see it.  This was extremely ill-advised and his Comments included warnings that he'd be set on fire for this positively evil act.  A sterling example and reason why one does not mix business and pleasure.  Art!

     This is the box office up to Friday.  Frankly, it's not looking good after three days, and the studio must be hoping and praying that it picks up over the weekend.  We shall see!

     And learn from Nerdrotic's mistake; don't waste Valentine's Day on a dubious film.  Art!

"Eeek!  A mouse!  Run!"

"City In The Sky"

The remaining three crew members are trying to gun "Pangolin" back to Arcology One, with diminishing air supplies.

     Pangolin had never been designed to withstand the acceleration imparted by the solid fuel booster and the old spacecraft shook and rattled like an alarm clock going off .  All three lives depended upon Ace, who had to clutch the booster by it’s top against a landing-leg with one of the prosthetics and use the other prosthetic arm to direct the booster’s base to balance the thrust.  Otherwise they would fly off into interplanetary space.  Kurt called out frantic corrections for the arm, swearing in an English-accented German when Ace failed to orient the booster to his liking – which was every time.  The view of Arc One on the internal monitor changed size far quicker than it had done on their outbound journey, before Kurt delicately played over the attitude controls and spun Pangolin, causing the spacecraft to veer and yaw madly before a jaw-clenching Ace fought it back on course again.  Deceleration lasted only a few minutes before the booster burnt out and expired and then they were reliant on the remaining fuel.

     Before long their tanked oxygen had declined to danger level;  the digital gauges were in the red and Kurt ordered everyone to don helmets and use their suit reserves.  These, too, declined with unpleasant rapidity and Ace felt a cold sweat breaking out across her back when the suit indicator reached ten minutes.

     It would be a bit facile at this point to say "Try to relax and breathe slowly", wouldn't it?

Finally -

Deffo need to get beef suet to cook a 'clootie dumpling' today.

     Pip pip pip!

*  Which he cheats at, too.

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