I take it you are all familiar with the hamsters that power all our electronic devices, from whopping big Cray supercomputers down to humble Devil's Digital Devices?* They are normally obedient little slave labourers, but occasionally they rebel and refuse to co-operate, at which point they can be immensely stubborn because at that point they've got nothing left to lose.
"Stuff you, Conrad!" |
Anyway, Your Humble Scribe has for several weeks now been prevented from loading up photographs from his Devil's Digital Device by obstreperous hamsters.** The error message kept quoting "Server Error" which is Sekrit Computer Lingo for "Your Hamsters Are Revolting".
"What if we remove servers as an issue when uploading images?" pondered Conrad to himself. "That is, download mobile phone photographs to a C: file and save them there. This means all the surplus pictures on the phone could be deleted and I should be able to upload to BOOJUM! no problem."
![]() |
It worked! |
Conrad's Night On The Tile
Of course, the down-side of me being able to post photographs is that you'll have to put up with lots of them, and all the endearing/baffling/odd (delete where necessary) captions that go with them.
For lo! Here we have the interior of Night and Day, that being a bar-cum-music-venue on Oldham Street in Gomorrah-on-the-Irwell. Art?
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Publicity photos usually leave out us, the grubby public customers |
Then it was off to The Peer Hat, where further of us coalesced. Interesting interior decor. Art?
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There's probably a word to describe it. |
- but more of that anon. You know how I like stringing these things out over as many posts as possible.
A Word To The Wise
Conrad is partly convinced that his South Canadian readers like the blog because it features long words not commonly used in conversation. If this is not the case, then you may want to avoid this frothing rant about words as found in Codeword puzzles. Everyone else SIT BACK DOWN!
I made a point of writing these down, that's how venomously irritated I was. Okay.
"GAMETE": a haploid germ cell that fuses with another. A term from reproductive biology, in other words. HOW IS THIS FAIR!
Great. I expect they'll be using "MEIOSIS" next week. |
"QUALMISH": Are they making these up now? <looks in Collins Concise> I suppose not. But - I do have a point, don't I?
"EXHORTED": Well, they're obviously not remotely Qualmish about these words.
Hmmm. Just hmmm. |
A Little Musical Critique
This title usually has various bands - or Simon and Garfunkel - running for cover, but you needn't worry this time, chaps, for the song we focus on today (or tonight, depending on when you click that link) is pretty old, although I think there was a more recent cover. Which, yes, is code for I cannot remember who did it and cannot be bothered to go look them up, either.
Anyway, let us get this dog and pony show on the road.
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
In the jungle the quiet jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
Excuse ME! This is the first verse after a lot of chanting about Wim and his Way.
Wim. (Wenders, that is) |
The savannah. Note 1) distinct lack of jungle and 2) that there are 127 SAS troopers hiding in this shot. |
There is a second verse. Shall I bother? O go on, it's a while until lunch.
Near the village the peaceful village
The lion sleeps tonight
Near the village the quiet village
The lion sleeps tonight
Your Humble Scribe is pretty sure that lions come in a pride, and that having a whole slew of said GIANT CARNIVORES dozing on your doorstep would render said village Silently Terrified rather than "peaceful".
Although this may be where that band Quiet Village got their name from.
Quiet Village. Proof I am not raving - |
- yet. |
* They can breed 'em real small, before you ask.
** Great name for a band there. If you choose it, however, I want royalties.
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