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Saturday 11 August 2018

Old Dog New(ish) Tricks

There I Was -
Watching "Hellboy", half an hour in, where Big Red sneaks in to see Liz Sherman, and a song plays in the background that I took a like to.
     Here an aside.  I have seen shots of David Harbour (Sherrif Hopper of "Stranger Things") gotten up as Hellboy, in a film due to be released "sometime in 2018".  Art?

Image result for david harbour hellboy
     It won't have Guillermo Del Toro nor Ron Perlman attached - Ron being reluctant anyway, because he's getting on a bit and it's a very physically demanding role - so your humble scribe wonders what it'll be like.  Unless it's an absolute stinker I will be seeing it, hopefully, since it's now August and - well, there's not a lot of 2018 left, is there?
     Back to my thrilling anecdote.  I could have gone over to IMDB and checked the soundtrack, except that would take ages because there's not always a logical order to how soundtracks are arranged.  
     SO!  I Shazamed it, which only took thirty seconds: it was "Breathe In" by Paloalto.  I shall have a look for some of their other product when I hit Fopp again.
     Now, time to attach a fan belt and electric motor to the roundabout and see how long it takes to hurl the motley off it!
Image result for childs roundabout fast
23 seconds.

Take A Seat, Pete
Part of my Work From Home routine - SIT BACK DOWN!  This is interesting, really it is. As I was saying, part of my routine is to bag the comfy reclining chair in the lounge until my pot of tea runs out. This gives me a grandstand view of Rochdale Road, and all the cars zooming up and down doing seventy miles per hour on a hill bend with concealed entrance idiot drivers.
     And the runners.  Yes, there are people daft enough to run up and down Tandle Hill in the scorching British summer weather (4 words I never thought I'd ever type) for exercise, or a dare, or perhaps a court-imposed punishment.  As you can guess, your humble scribe finds it wearing enough merely watching these brave souls.
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Oldham, as seen from the top of Tandle Hill
     "Sedentary", I suddenly realised.  "That's what I am."  If you're unfamiliar with the word, then it means to have a mostly sitting lifestyle, of which I am guilty as charged.  It comes from - you knew I was going to do this, didn't you? - the Latin "Sedere", meaning "To sit", via the French "Sedentaire".
     I am not, however, "Indolent", because that means "An idle feckless loafer" and comes from the Latin "In-" for "Not" and "Dolere" which means "To suffer pain".  Besides, if I was indolent, would you be reading this?
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Here's Pete: a loafer, but not an idle one

More Of Make-Believe
I refer, of course, to that interesting article the Beeb posted about sites in the Allotment of Eden, which have masqueraded as foreign parts.  After all, why travel to the urban Hades on Earth that is New York, when you can simply dress Glasgow to imitate?  Art?
Image result for world war z glasgow scenes
The flawed but interesting "World War Z"
     It must be cheaper by far to film in Glesgae, since you've got all those South Canadian vehicles being imported - unless they were dressed-up, too?  Also, you'd need an interpreter to understand some of the natives; Glaswegian can be hard to follow at times.
     None of which is in the Beeb article.  What they do mention in reference to "WWZ" is the scenes supposedly set in Nova Scotia, part of British America (alright, Canada).  Art?
Lulworth Cove
Lulworth Cove, Dorset, Allotment of Eden
     Very picturesque and tranquil, I'm sure you'll agree, and you can have your second unit filming here whilst you film in Glasgow.
     (Blimey, that car must have been doing well over sixty!)
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Nova Scotia: the hideous reality
Finally -
The tanks I post pictures of are usually odd or unusual ones, because the well-known ones have been documented everywhere and I don't want to bore you, so, in fitting with that, let's have a look at the SADE Bren Gun Carrier.  Art?
Image result for SADE bren carrier
Note rockets strapped to rear
     I think we can do better -
Image result for valentine rocket tank
Note rockets attached all over
     This was one of the barmier British projects of the Second Unpleasantness; attaching rockets to armoured vehicles to see if they could 'jump' over minefields.
     They couldn't.  The version above kept landing upside down, killing anyone inside it.
     So, not a success.
Related image

     And because I don't want to leave you on such a grim note - 
Image result for grinning shark
- have a happy, smiley shark!

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