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Wednesday 22 August 2018

Galaxies Like Grains Of Sand

No!  Nothing To Do With Brian Aldiss
Though Conrad finds it a bit odd that the only thing of his that's ever been filmed was "Super Toys Last All Summer Long", which came out as "A.I."  I think one of his short stories was adapted for television back in the Sixties and that's it.  Novels like "Non-Stop" or "Hothouse" would be great sources for films, and Brian can't argue about it, being <ahem> slightly - er - dead.
     Oh, no, wait a minute - "Frankenstein Unbound" - they filmed that.  But it's not great.  I think we need a cover picture.  Art?
Image result for galaxies like grains of sand by brian w. aldiss
     There is a great line in the Google Books preview pane - "The Moon is a nuclear bonfire, smouldering for 100,000 years -"
     Nice to see someone else has a bit of a pash about atom-bombing the Moon ...
     Okay, that's not what I intended this opening to be about.  It actually concerns some rather mind-boggling astronomy stuff over on that font of all knowledge fit to read, the BBC's website.  Art?
Not quite like grains of sand, but getting there
     That's our Milky Way Galaxy,* surrounded by a whole cluster of very old and very small galaxies that were formed 13 billion years ago, in the first surge of galaxy-creation after the Big Bang.  So, astronomers have a snapshot of the universe when it was only 1 billion years old - practically a toddler as universes go.  These types of micro-galaxy are also clustered around our neighbouring galaxy, Andromeda.  I say neighbour; it's about 2.5 million light years away, so a bit of a commute if you want to travel there.
     Okay, let's see if we can fire the motley from inside a chimney if we explode a barrel of gunpowder in the fireplace!**
Image result for non-stop aldiss
 See?  Cinematic, eh?
"The Rockford Files: Second Chance"
Dearie me.  I hope you can forgive me for raising your hopes and then cruelly dashing them.  You see, I am about to describe a car stunt that I didn't take a photograph of, and which doesn't come up on a Google search <sigh>.  Art?
Image result for the rockford files car stunts
It wasn't this.
     You see, our hero Jim is being pursued by the baddies in their car, and he drives into a dead end street. He does the characteristic "J-turn" to spin his car around, then drives into an industrial skip on wheels, using this as a battering ram to force the bad guy's car to one side, avoiding damage to his own car.
Image result for the rockford files car stunts
Nor this.
    I've not seen this type of car stunt before or since, and it struck me as being both tricky and dangerous - that industrial skip looked pretty hefty and unsteerable.
Image result for the rockford files car crashes
This is about 60 seconds before it happened.
     Not only that, I've deleted the episode itself, so I can't even take a photo.
     I'm sorry.  I feel like I've let you down.

O Noes!  Flee - Flee From The Bee!
As you ought to know by now, Conrad goes through life in an absent-minded daze punctuated by pots of tea and fits of rage -
     - such as last night, when the Codeword included "NOESIS".  Really?  REALLY?  From the Greek, meaning "Of the mind", apparently.  If I got hold of those Codeword compilers they get a piece of MY mind -
     Pausing only to let the veins throbbing on my forehead to calm somewhat, I shall get back on track.  Since I now work from home my excursions to Gomorrah-on-the-Irwell are infrequent, but when there I have noticed a worrying infestation of -
      - GIANT BEES!  Art?
Image result for mara corday
O Ruddy heck -
     Sorry, I forgot Art's pathetic infatuation with the Fifties Queen of the Creature Feature.  She is pretty Rowr! though -
     - back on track.  Art, I shall allow you that one lapse.  On topic!
Image result for giant bees manchesterImage result for giant bees manchester
Image result for giant bees manchesterImage result for giant bees manchester

     This all culminated with your humble scribe running for his life after encountering a swarm of these terrifying creatures.  Art?

     Dog Buns, we're doomed - what can we do?
Image result for clint eastwood tarantula
Send for a steely-eyed Clint Eastwood and a jet fighter with rockets!
     And on that worrying note, I shall leave you -

*  Which is a bit redundant, "Galactos" being Greek for "Milk"
**  Don't worry, we'll use a long fuse.  Safety and all that.

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