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Monday 27 August 2018

Life's Little Ironies

Here We Are -
In the Pond of Eden, where the British summer weather has returned with a vengeance.  That is, we now have rain, wind, cold and generally damp conditions, much more familiar than all that horrid bright sunshine - dreadfully ageing for the skin, you know.  The venerable Beeb actually has a feature on how people have been coping with this afflicted climate, during festivals.  I shan't post their initial photo, as it is full of young ladies not wearing a lot, so - Art?
Revellers at the Notting Hill Carnival
Brave girls
     Then there was another festival I'd never heard of - "Big Feastival" in Oxfordshire, again stricken by wind and rain.  Art?
Big Feastival
Madam, try harder!
     Then there was Creamfields.  I cannot find any pictures from this weekend yet, but bear in mind that the festival was cancelled back in 2012 due to bad weather, and that organisers won't want to go through that again, and will most likely persist regardless of what things are like.  Here's one I prepared earlier -
Image result for creamfields 2018 mud
The joys of festival life!
     The Great Dorset Steam Fair was blighted by the weather, which is another irony within an irony, because where does steam come from?  Right!  Boiled water.  Here's a photo of the steam tractors looking forlorn under canvas, the poor delicate things.  Art?
Great Dorset steam fair
You, sir!  Yes, you there - do you appreciate the delicious irony of steam engines getting so wet?
     Now, amidst all this water, spare a thought for the unfortunate population of Persia.  They are currently living through their worst drought of the last 50 years, amidst serious water shortages - Persian government not known for ability to do anything except pass the blame for anything onto anyone standing around.
Image result for persepolis
Persia, back when it ran proper, like
     So - after suffering a long hot day, they can't have a shower when they get home.  This means everyone puts on their air-conditioning, creating a huge surge in demand, which results in - power cuts!*
     O what it is to live in a wonderful wet country!

More Of Moisture
Yes, ordinary dull moisture, water, dihydrogen monoxide - but ON THE MOON!
     Now, do not take those names about the "Sea of Tranquility" or the "Ocean of Storms" literally, because the Moon simply doesn't have any bodies of standing water.  Those were names given before that simple fact was known.  Okay, Art?

     This is about the detection of water ice, hidden from sunlight in deep craters at the Moon's north and south poles.  Why is this significant?  Because I say so because if it's present in any appreciable amounts, then it could potentially be mined for the inhabitants of a lunar base, hydrolysing it into hydrogen for fuel and oxygen for breathing, as well as refining it for drinking and showering.

Further To The Above -
If you track directly below the word "ice" you can see the symbol that indicates Comments are open, and a couple of them really stand out.  One woman, trending towards the conspiranoid loonwaffle corner, ponders why the astronauts didn't all take a group photo.
     <flexes fingers>  well, dear, they never thought they'd have to prove to a bunch of idiots that they really did go to the Moon.  Art?
Image result for apollo 11 crew
As close as you'll get to an Apollo 11 group photo
     Whilst Buzz and Neil were down on the lunar surface in the LEM, Mike Collins was aboard the Command Capsule, in orbit.  So there were only 2 men down on the surface.  Art?
Image result for apollo 11 spacesuit camera
The cameras -
     Their cameras were fitted to their suits, and were simply not capable of being used to take shots when separated from said suit.  After all, why would they?
Image result for tinfoil hat
Ah.  Yes.  Because of him.
     You can put a man on the Moon, but you can't take the stupid out of the idiot.

     - hang on, the motley got away scot-free this afternoon - well, too late to do anything about it today.  We'll cook up something really horrid for it tomorrow, though!

Finally -
Conrad is not only VERY CROSS, he is also baffled as well.  How on earth (or off it) can "Strictly Come Dancing" be a real thing? How?  HOW!
     That's not what I'm cross about today, though.  O no.  I am cross and curious about a Cryptic Crossword clue from Thursday's MEN.
     "It was ground in the gutter (5)" and the answer, which I would never have got, was - waitforitwaitforit - "ORGAN".
     What?  How does that work out?
Image result for church organ
You are not helping, Art

Chin chin, chaps and chapesses!

*  I know we don't normally touch Current Affairs or Politics, but - whose blog is it, again?

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