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Friday, 17 August 2018

56 With A Bullet

Er- Is That The Correct Vernacular?
I only ask because I'm going to be 57 tomorrow, and at this great age one cannot presume that one's memory is working properly.  Even though I did remember that scene in "The Rockford Files" Season 3 Episode 22, where Joe Dos Santos, in the character of Detective Sergeant Becker, bursts through a door and levels a shotgun at a miscreant -
     "Don't even breathe, punk!" he snarls.  
Image result for sid vicious
Sid didn't dare move
     Are those Killer Eels secured?  Then I suppose we can begin.
     Okay!  Yesterday I took a trip to the Lancashire Regiment's Museum, based at Fulwood Barracks in Preston, because it is enormously easier to access than RAF Duxford.  I shall be banging on about this at length, but not all at once, for even I can be merciful.  Art?
The barracks entrance
      This is the only view you'll get of the Barracks themselves, since they are a fully functioning military base - no photographs allowed.  I needed photo ID and an escort to get to the museum.  In the entrance hall is this display - Art?
     This shows all the different regiments that have been amalgamated over the centuries, into the current regiment: The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment.  I know exactly what you're thinking, and can illustrate the point:
Image result for pete frame rock family trees hawkwind

      - a somewhat slimmed-down rock family tree, after Pete Frame.
     First items that caught my eye in the Waterloo Room were a couple of flags, which that rapscallion Art can illustrate.  Art!

     An old regimental flag, with the honorifics for a series of campaigns added.  Above this you can see the bottom of an enormous wooden eagle, that adorned the gates of the Tsarist port of Sevastopol, when we beat them from the Crimean War.  Art?

     An even older flag, with honours going back before the First Unpleasantness.  Unfortunately I couldn't get close enough to get the names clear.  Oh, and for the dirty-minded amongst you, "XXX" is "30" in Roman numerals, that being the regiment's number in order of seniority.     Having introduced you to the subject, I shall now end today's discussion of the museum.  It's well worth dropping in to see; there's no entrance fee, just a box for donations.  Also, rather than putting tiny labels on everything so there's practically no information, or having big signs with lots of info but only a few exhibits, they number every item; there are catalogues in each room that give a full description of each item in numerical order, which is an excellent way of doing things.     Now, time to put the motley behind the 747 when the engines start and see how far it gets blown!
Close up
Standing in front is - not advised

Tea!  Loose-leaf Darjeeling Tea!

Allow me to temper my delight at being able to get some of the real thing with a sober realisation that this stuff is getting very expensive.  Art?

     It was sitting on the shelves in Morrisons, of all places, where I last got a jar several months ago as an emergency ration.  It was £4 back then and was £6 on Wednesday, so I only got the one jar.  That's about the same quantity as in a single Sainsbury's pack at over 3 times the price.  I know you feel my pain.

More Cake!
I was looking to make a third cake, after the Danish Applecake and the Vanilla and Whisky cake, with the intention of taking half of each into the office today.  This has the bonus of meaning people realise I am still alive, and of naked bribery.
     Chocolate Brownies, I decided, and Hey Pesto! I found a recipe cut from the back of a bag of flour.  All it lacked was vanilla extract, so I added that in.  Art?

     Oh, and a teaspoon of xantham gum, and the flour was definitely self-raising - I think I've misused plain flour in the past.  End result is as you see above, with the centre staying risen and the crumb structure good.  I have to take other people's word for it that they are delicious, as Conrad would rather go hungry than eat chocolate cake.  Yes, really!     Everyone at the office was exceedingly glad to see me, and - more to the point - my cakes.  It may only be cupboard love but I'll take what I can get.

And don't forget!  Sharks Are Our Friends!

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