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Wednesday 18 April 2018

Isn't Shchi Lovely

To Which The Answer Can Be Both "Yes" And "No"
For here we are not talking about "She" - the lady in question, you might say - and whom can be best represented by a lady of distinction.  Art?
Image result for mara corday
Erm - not quite what I was after ...
     <sigh> I do apologise, dear readers - Art's pash for Mara Corday overcomes what I hoped to put up here.  
     If none of this makes sense, don't worry - you're in good company!
     Okay - Shchi is Russian, pronounced by most of you out there as "She", although the genuine Ruffian pronunciation of the diphthong is rather more subtle.  It is, or was, a staple part of the peasantry's cuisine in that region, it being Cabbage Soup.  A staple of the Ruffian diet, being of necessity to begin with and then later of choice - you know, being all trendily vegan and shizzle.*  Let us prod Art into consciousness -
Image result for shchi
The dish in question -
     So there
Image result for mara corday
Art!  Not THAT kind of dish -
     Sorry about that.  So, there you have today's title.  Ruffian Cabbage Soup, and don't knock it, for this is what raised and propelled many a million muzhik,** whom in large enough numbers can see off any foreign invader.
     Right!  Time to give the motley a plate of sliced cooked fungi, which may or may not be toxic toadstools in disguise ...
     Quickly!  Put two pairs of shoes over your socks - this way you can move over hard surfaces without making a noise and attracting the zombies -

Conrad Is Angry!
I know, I know, "Frothing Nitric Ire" is pretty much my default condition.  You know The Infected in "28 Days Later"?  That's me on a good day.
     Anyway, Facebook and Twitter have both been banging on for a couple of weeks about "The REAL Reason Dragon's Den Got Cancelled!" in different breathless ways and with different photographs.  Art?

     The thing is, I didn't care about Dragon's Den one whit when it was on, and I'm not going to suddenly change my opinion now that it's dead.  I understand that you went forth in front of a panel of chuntering suits with your nuclear-powered mousetrap, to be variously quizzed and/or lambasted. 
Operation Library Is GO!
I am taking my time in re-ordering part of my inordinately large library of military history books, partly because there's a heck of a lot of them to re-order, and partly because I have to climb up a ladder, hoisting myself up with one hand whilst the other clutches a small array of books.  I do have the back layer arranged.  Art?
The storey so far ...
     There's still a few hundred paperback to go, but we're getting there. 

More Of The Coincidence Hydra -
Yesterday I winced in muted terror as the hydra sank it's fangs into my tender posterior.  You remember, don't you?  I'd been banging on about the Boeing X20, a Sixties spaceship, when some of my compatriots mentioned Sixties spaceships.
     Well, I just had to mention NASA in the body of the article, didn't I?
     And what promptly crops up on the Beeb's website?  Art?
This.  THIS!
     It's a load of chuntering suits - no, only kidding, it's a load of female scientists explaining which films or television programs they liked and you get the usual stuff trotted out - Star Trek: The Soppy Pansy Politically-Correct All The Way Through Generation, The Martian, Star Wars etcetera.
     What's more interesting is the things they don't like.  "Red Planet" comes in for a bit of flak.  No!  Not the cheesy Fifities one, the $80 million flop starring - starring - er - I'll get back to you on that.  Art?
Related image
Oh, that's who it stars.  I see.
     The other film that irks them a lot, understandably so, is "Armageddon", because it's Loud, Silly, Overdoes Orange Filter, Has Too Much Slow-Motion Walking Towards The Camera and fails to kill Ben Affleck when it had the chance.  Art?
Image result for armageddon space madness
Also, this
     It also has possibly the most ludicrous line in a sci-fi film since "The neutrinos are mutating!" (which itself causes physicists to fall from their chairs laughing):

"He's got space dementia!"
      That's why they taped him to the chair, you see.  I've sat through this film once, when sober, and the only way I do that again is if you taped me to my chair as Rockhound above.  I know some of you are still human - no, wait, that was "The Thing" wasn't it?  - no, I know some of you watched the damn thing because it cleared over half a billion $$$.
     Now, watch the Coincidence Hydra come home to roost and there'll be an article in this month's 'Empire' about a sequel.

*   This may be irony.  Or not.
**  Ruffian for "Peasant"

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