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Monday 16 April 2018

Extinct Doesn't Mean Succinct

No Indeed
In case you were wondering, BOOJUM! does indeed intend to use words not in common usage, so if you are unfamiliar with "succinct" it means "short and to the point, without extraneous matter, direct and uncomplicated".  In other words, everything that this blog is not - we cannot resist using ten words where a single one would do.*
     "Where is this meandering discourse leading to, O aged white-haired one?" I hear you quibble.
     Here an aside.  "Meander", meaning "to wander aimlessly", is derived from the River Maeander, which in antiquity was noted for it's sinuous and curvy course.  It took a long time to get anywhere.  Art?
Image result for river meander
Been there
     Since I have a word count to reach, I'm not going to go on about hydrography, sedimentation and ox-bow lakes; those all contribute to meandering, though, in case you were wondering and even if you weren't.
     Back to the party in my head.  Dinosaurs!  Dinosaurs seem to have struck a chord with you, the readers, as that particular post is popular popular popular, over 70 hits as of this morning.  Who knew!  Art?
Image result for ankylosaurus
     There you go.  Despite it's formidable appearance, Ankylosaurus was a big old softie, being a herbivore, which means it only ate plants.  All those spines and bits of bone protected it pretty well from predators, and that club at the end of it's tail was large enough, heavy enough and capable of being swung hard enough to break bones.  So!  Mister Allosaurus, go find an easier dinner to digest.
Image result for allosaurus
An Allosaurus
     Al, on the other hand, was an unapologetic predator forever on the hunt for delicious dinosaur chops to dine on - dine-osaur, anyone?** Expert opinion has now shot down the theory that they combined to hunt in packs, as they were liverish enough to attack each other over territory or prey carcasses.  Interestingly enough, one of them is the featured dinosaur in that rather rubbish combination of Western-and-dinosaur "Valley of the Gwangi" and if we poke Art with a fork -
Image result for valley of the gwangi
It's a small genre, Western-and-dinosaur, and this is why
     You can tell it's all going to end in tears, can't you?  I also want to know how a creature about 9 metres long that weighs in at 5 tons, minimum, can sneak up on a man so silently that he's taken by surprise.  "Because he's an idiot" is not good enough.
     There you go, Conrad blathering on at length about dinosaurs.  It's a big subject, I could go on for ages - unless you'd prefer to read my 5,000 word monograph on how "Forbidden Planet" influ - no?  You're certain?
     Oh well.  Time to put the motley in front of a shot-blasting machine and let fly!

Now It Can Be Told!
How Buster Keaton Invented Teleportation
Except it can't.  Dog Buns!  There is a fillum made by The Great Stony Face where he gets into his car to travel somewhere; rather than the car moving, it's the scenery that fades out and then in.  At no point does Buster himself move, which is why I make the bold claim above.  Art?
Image result for buster keaton the general picked off
One of the funniest films ever, in the history of funny
     The thing is, I can't remember what the film is, and Google is being singularly unhelpful in bringing up an image, and I doubt IMDB would help on so vague a clue.
     Anyway, Buster Keaton - what a life!  He was in the Army, you know, when the South Canadians went to France in the First Unpleasantness.
     Of course, what Conrad likes about Buster is his utter deadpan expression, never to crack a smile, because, really, there's nothing funnier than someone looking droll.

Because we need some filler material -

We Did It First!
I speak of Perfidious Albion, that country which introduced the world to various  sports that the rest of the world rapidly become better at, but we're not bitter.***
     Say hello to the Saunders-Roe SR1.  Art?
Image result for jet flying boat
Curvy and pervy
     Here we have the Saunders-Roe SR1, the world's first flying-boat jet fighter, and I'm saying this because the Ruffians will doubtless jump up and down squawking with triumph about how they got there first.
     Well they didn't.  WE did!
     Three prototypes were built, and they were going to take the war to the seas and airs o'er the wide Pacific, except that peace treacherously broke out before they got into production.
     O well.^

*  Tee hee.
**  Sorry.
***  Much.
^  It would also have been highly vulnerable to KILLER EELS! KILLER EELS!  ATTACKING WITH - ah, you know how the rest of it goes.

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