Worried, frankly, is how I feel. They doubtless harbour a millenia-long grudge against humans because
Large. So you can get the full flavour. |
![]() |
The warm-up |
A Lamprey |
Now that we are up to speed on the perils of suddenly finding a moray in your bathtub, I think we can progress. Let's see what happens when you drop the motley into a swimming pool filled with liquid mercury!
As One Thing Follows Another ...
There I was, looking for an image where there was a swimming pool full of liquid mercury, or even a bathtub, and could I find one? I could not!
There are a few reasons for this. First off, mercury is pricey, about £15 per pint. Given that a large backyard pool would contain about, 400,000 pints, that means filling it would cost you well over £6 million.
Or this, 6 times over |
Where it was! |
"The Great Martian War 1913 - 1917"
Conrad had not heard of this film until it was suggested by Degsy (he knows me so well), and a worthwhile recommendation it was, too. It was done as mockumentary by the History Channel back in 2013, when they still made the occasional proper program.
The central premise is that the War of the Worlds, as envisaged by HG Wells, takes place in 1913 directly before the outbreak of the First Unpleasantness.
Thus |
A 'Heron' in the background, an 'Iron Spider' in the foreground |
Just you wait. In one hundred year's time some swivel-eye conspiranoid loonwaffle will dig this film up and loudly proclaim "See! See! This is what really happened in 1913!"
A Moment's Silence, Please -
For the late Ken Dodd. I may be jumping the gun a little here, but nobody's come out with horrid allegations about him whilst he was alive, nor in the days since he ambled off this mortal coil. Art?
Underplayed and restrained (for him, anyway) |
Featuring the Great Red Spot |
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