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Friday 23 March 2018

Going Down A Bomb

A Tad Ambiguous, I Admit
For here in the Pond of Eden, using such a phrase of anything means that it did outstandingly well, hit it for six, put the ball in the back of the onion bag and generally performed above standard.  Art?
Image result for british thumbs up
Top hole, old bean!
     Whereas over in South Canada, anything associated with a bomb is redolent of misery and failure.  "It bombed" means the very opposite of our sensible British phrase, in that it did utterly dismally and the performers went home and hung themselves, along those lines.  I remember Fee Waybill of The Tubes making this very same point when he guested on Radio One a very long time ago.  Art?
Image result for the tube
I shall overlook this only once, Art.
     We are back at that film, again: The Battle of Britain.  I shan't apologise for returning to the topic, because it's my blog.  You don't have to pay for this, do you?  Anyway, here we have the despicable Teuton Luftwaffe dropping bombs on the Pond of Eden.* Art?

Image result for battle of britain film bombers
Dirty deeds done despicably
     This aerial assault is upon RAF Duxford, who have been caught kind of napping, since although there are sirens going in the background, this is taken by all and sundry to be a practice.
     It's not.  Art?
Image result for battle of britain film bombers
Told you so!
     There is an aerial scene shot as if from the perspective of the departing Teuton planes, as Duxford is smitten with fire and brimstone, and which must have taken ages to plot, plan and co-ordinate, yet which only lasts for a few seconds.  Art?
Image result for battle of britain film bombers
Things going bang
     The DVD Commentary reveals that this is all a carefully crafted fiction, put together by editors.  The Teuton aircraft are shown out of view of land, because those bombs they are dropping are not real, but instead made of concrete, and are plummeting into the sea.  Pretty obviously dropping even fake bombs on real people is waaaay out there with spectacularly bad ideas.**  You will also notice that there are no bombers visible in the attack itself, merely explosions. ***  
     Here an aside.  Real bombs dropped from height and detonated at ground level create a visible blast and pressure wave, that is briefly apparent as an expanding white circle.  Nonesuch is visible in the scenes above, because killing your production crew and cast with ruptured lungs thanks to high explosive is generally a bad thing.  Thus by deduction they were using low explosives, and yes there are such things.
Image result for low explosive
     Well now, I think we've had enough of bombs and such, and if we can slip away without having people object that there's that other South Canadian phrase "You're the bomb!" all will be well -
     - quick, divert attention by painting the motley day-glo pink and sending it running naked through the streets of Sellafield!^
A Little Knowledge
Is, indeed, a dangerous thing.  Imagine that you have successfully captured the Volgan Republic's nuclear power plant, under the command of Colonel Bill Savage, and you're trying to take it off-line, except you don't speak Ruffian and there's only a manual in that language, so you use Google to translate -
Image result for exploding nuclear power plant
     You can now appreciate my dilemma about "Squashes stuffed with meat and groats". the recipe that I translated from Polish on the back of a packet of groats.  I can render the first line in idiom: "Cook the cereal as per box".  The next one?  Not so much.  "Meat roast on butter from fine chopped onion.  Next water your 1 1/4 szkl. water and (dus) by moments."  I could have a bash but, thanks to this not being in idiomatic English, there's always a risk -
Image result for exploding nuclear power plant
Oops, again.
     I could prevail upon my Polish compatriots at work, except that feels a bit cheeky.
     We shall see.

"Here is the Russian Military's Greatest Enemy - and it's not America"
A title to conjure with, especially at the moment, when tempers are running high and Tsar Putin looks likely to take the sabre out of the scabbard and poke people with it, never mind rattling it.
Image result for sabre jet
Ace, you oaf!
     Anyway, back to that prescient Youtube video.  The poster, Organised Military Army, is actually quite balanced and tempered in what he says - the frothing venomous hatred of the Commenters aside! - and in analysing the Ruffian's problems.  Herein the link:

     The greatest enemy is actually the Ruffian treasury, because the purse-strings are tight and getting tighter all the time, leading to announcements of mountains of new, ultra high-tec kit going to arrive, tomorrow. Okay, not tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.  Then this becomes next year.  Then five years.  By which time everyone has forgotten about the sentient fighter jet that can bake cakes and heal the sick, and it never goes into service.
Image result for gold rubles
No, Vlad, you don't have enough of them.

*  The dastards!
**  Like, "Let's put on the Fyre Festival!" level bad ideas.
***  John Frankenheimer did the same in "The Train", actually
^  I know, I know, bad taste - but funny

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