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Friday 16 March 2018

Robots Are Revolting!

Yes, An Ambiguous Title
This gives me a bit of wriggle room - much needed if the events of Wednesday are not to be repeated, when BOOJUM! apparently triggered the current diplomatic crisis. 
Image result for revolving robots
Revolving robot.  Close enough
     Okay, back on track: revolting robots.

Image result for revolving robots
Revolving robot.  Close enough
     Here an aside.  Yes, already!   You are doubtless picturing wave after wave of demented avengers robots marching down the main street, crushing you the puny humans, because this is what Hom. Sap. have been breathlessly waiting since that Greek sculptor and his statue.*  Or, if you want more contemporaneous reference, "Moxon's Master" by that South Canadian master of the macabre, Ambrose Bierce -**
Image result for moxons master
      - and this is because Hom. Sap. represent an existential threat/will compete for scarce resources/are inherently evil, or all three.
     Whether or not this is probable or even possible is open to question.  For one thing, you don't see all that many anthropomorphic robots walking around, which lessens the change of mass meatbag murder.  Secondly, that clever chap Isaac Asimov foresaw the issue and created the '3 Laws of Robotics' which you really ought to implement if those anthropomorphic robots ever multiply.  Thirdly, we can build in kill-switches.  Art?
Image result for killswitch engage
Well - kind of.
     The subject of Artificial Intelligence is intertwined with this, but we are getting off the off-track here - just allow that Ultron is not an imminent threat.
     Here endeth the aside.  Subject change.  Do keep up!  We are back to robots being revolting, not are revolting.  A subtle difference.
     The BBC's flagship dramatic reconstruction series 'Doctor Who' is often ahead of the curve, which is understandable if they have access to time-travel technology.  Thus, let us examine the series "The Robots of Death" and I think Art, once prodded awake with a bamboo skewer, can oblige.  Art?
Image result for doctor who robots of death
A Robot (death = optional extra).
     Leela dubs these robots "creepy mechanical men" and she's not wrong.  Furthermore, one of the party under siege breaks down with "robophobia", which the Doctor explains succinctly as being due to the presence of entities that are close to, yet not quite, humans, and which thus do not behave or react as expected.
     Yes, we are back to the Uncanny Valley again!  Art?
Image result for uncanny valley
     You can see the valley there.  Poul - the unfortunate suffering from robophobia - is clearly unable to cope with these humanoids that lack non verbal communication; most of them are mute, too, which doesn't help things.
     Conrad did originally scoff at the invented term 'Robophobia', but as you can see it does have valid roots.
     Now, time to hurl cricket balls at the motley with a slingshot!

The Road
No!  Not the novel by Cormac McCarthy, which I have read, nor the film, which I have not seen, although it is probably a major buzz-kill if it follows the book at all.  Two tramps scrounging about on rubbish heaps, essentially, at the end of the world. 
     No, I refer instead to that weary thoroughfare at the bottom of Tandle Hill, on the Oldham side.  This is where the sinkhole occurred  several weeks ago, and where there was a major burst pipe underground a couple of weeks ago, and now we have yet another major leak.  Art?

     Here you can just see the barriers put up around a point where there was no leak; Conrad not sure how this works, as there is a giant flooding pothole just out of sight here that's been completely ignored.  It gets bigger by the day as traffic drives over it, until one day it will consume the whole of Royton.  You'll be sorry then.

Kindly ignore the faulty layout at top - that damn format overlay error came into play and I daren't go poking around in the background lest I discombobulate BOOJUM! even further, or destroy the universe.  One of the two is bound to happen.  Conrad not sure how this happened, but I mistakenly clicked on the content outside the text field.

Speaking Of Which ...
Having been watching "The Battle of Britain" quite a lot of late, and also still reading "The Narrow Margin", that song by Neil Young popped into my mind - you know the one.  Art?
Image result for famous neil young songs
No, Art, no.
<sound of electric cattle prod being warmed up>
     Not appropriate anyway, since I have a fusion-powered pumping unit where the rest of you have that organ named above.  Let us see if 2.5 million volts delivered to the tender parts has stimulated Art's intellect.  Art?
Image result for like a hurricane
     The chorus goes: "You are like a Hurricane", to which Conrad appends the wondering comment that Neil is comparing the love of his life to - well, Art?
Image result for hurricane fighter
      - an eight-gun wooden-framed fabric-covered monoplane.  Good lord aloft, what had the chap been smoking!

*  Pygmalion
**  Your prototype chess-playing killer robot

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