No, not over the hair-splitting - nothing satisfies my shrivelled soul more than being the utter pedant that I know you adore - but because I have reached the end of the War Diary of the 6th Canadian Infantry Brigade Machine Gun Company, and it's only reached April 1918. Seven months missing! There are about 100 pages of Appendices, which list all the various Operations Orders given to the Company, interesting if a touch repetitive.
"Dugouts will be handed over in a clean and tidy condition" |
Given the forward-thinking approach of the Canadians to Official Histories, I bet the whole thing is on-line, but since that would involve printing off another 100 pages, I don't think I'd get away with it. Of course, Wonder Wifey is not here to say "No!" in a loud voice, yet if the printer runs out of ink the day after she gets back, questions would be asked.
Mister Brutinel |
At one point in the text they mention the arrival of a Colonel Brutinel, whose name sounded familiar, as indeed it proved to be. This chap, as shown above, was one of those imaginative types who ponder long and hard on how to make life miserable for the opposition. We shall come back to him - in the meantime I need to go check on the small freezer, as I'm trying to defrost it.
A cold wet job indeed. Let us bring a bit of cheer to the day -
Dozy Or Despondent - Only You Can Tell!
Well, was that was a working week or what? I have been taking Edna over to deposit her at my sister-in-law's before travelling to work of a morning, and picking her up in the evening. Edna, not the sister-in-law.
Edna, bless her furry hide, does not enjoy travelling in the Murdermobile, possibly due to her keen sense of smell picking up the scent of a lithium-hydride fuelled nuclear howitzer concealed in the bodywork diesel. Here she demonstrates how happy she is at not having to travel by car any longer. Art?
She so disliked being leashed onto the front passenger seat that she completely ignored the "dog chocolate" (actually frozen kidney) which your humble scribe tried to distract her with.
"Some dogs enjoy being driven around, you know," I informed our small domesticated wolf, to her utter disdain.
And Now, The Hair-Splitting!
I knew you were waiting for this, I was just toying with you*. We return to "The Bridge at Remagen", which has proven to be quite fruitful in terms of assessing goofs and suchlike. I have found two goofs that aren't listed in the IMDB Goofs page for this film, which gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. Let us slap Art awake with wet towels (because we didn't get to torment the motley today) -
This is a good shot, it shows a column of vehicles about a mile long, except what's that in the bottom left corner?
It's a South Canadian half-track, with what purports to be an anti-aircraft gun mounted on the back, except there were no such gun mountings on any such half-tracks in South Canadian service. I know because I've checked.
I suspect, if we were to see the complete vehicle, stripped of camouflage, it would look like this -
![]() |
Czech M53170 |
You can't really fault the film's director or editors, the thing is only on screen for about a second, if that, and they clearly rationalised having it there as "It's only on-screen for about a second, nobody will notice anything amiss."
WRONG! Thanks to technology, someone has, and is positively gloating about it*.
The defrosting is coming along nicely, if rather slowly, thanks for asking. I'm glad I'm typing here, it's warming my fingers up again!
Well Well
That is, being well. I notice that the BBC website has an item on how dog owners have a lower risk of dying early, although they mangle grammar in their headline "Dog owners lowers early death risk" - did they mean "Dog ownership lowers early death risk"? Herein the link:
Apparently, owning a breed associated with hunting is the best bet for cheating that cloaked chap who carries a scythe. Of course, with my hideous alien physiology, it probably doesn't apply.
I'm going to post this, check on the freezer, and then go and do a bit of death-cheating with our small domesticated wolf, who now gets a second appearance in one day. Art? <sound of wet towels slapping bare skin>
![]() |
(snaps finger at Death) |
* I'm horrid like that.
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