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Friday 20 December 2013


No, Valeria, Not A Variety Of German Dessert
     In fact it means "grapefruit" in French.
     Why is this appropriate?  Because today I spent my working hours very close to a batch of pamplemousse.
     Yes, today Conrad was working in the Co-Operative's retail store in Royton, from 9 till 5 - which sounds familiar somehow - in the Fresh Produce section.
     It was lovely!  Amidst all the chiller cabinets for hours on end - as you already know Conrad positively thrives in the cold and this environment was so cold it made Angel Square seem like Death Valley at mid-day in high summer.
7th Floor, 1 Angel Square.  Honest
Savage strictures had been laid down to friends, family and enemies - stay away!  Do not come into store with the sole aim of embarrassing Conrad!

     This was not necessary, Conrad managed that all on his own.  In the back area stood cages of goods to be unloaded and stacked on shelves; normally these consisted of great big cardboard boxes that had to be torn apart to reveal dozens of boxes/packets/bags of product.  Upon one set of cardboard boxes resided a couple of gift boxes of Lynx and a Christmas card.  Conrad, having seen where the Lynx boxes stood in a promotional tower, whisked them away and put them in the big stack.
     Five minutes later Conrad is back in the back area, and he sees another two boxes of Lynx, so he whizzes these off to the tower, too.  The two boxes he'd put there earlier are gone, so he thinks "Popular item!"
     Five minutes later Mick, the store manager, asked if I'd moved some stuff from on top of the boxes - ah yes hemmed an embarrassed Conrad, because it turned out they were things Mick had bought himself and he couldn't understand where they kept vanishing to.
The scene of the crime

 Enough Piffling Human Nonsense!
    Yes, your petty Hom. Sap. retail operations mean nothing to one who will, one day, be master of the Earth!
     Actually you don't need to worry about me blowing up old Earth like a samosa filled with gunpowder.  I shall need somewhere to keep my comic collection, after all.

Ohhhhhh dear, old fat man needs his bed,  What ho!


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