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Sunday 13 October 2013


Well, Almost
     The third wall in my Upstair Lair has been painted, finally, only about six months late.  All three will need a second coat, too, which can be deferred for a while.
     Would you like a picture?  Oh go on then.
Chocolate milkshake, apparently
How pristine and uncluttered, unlike Conrad's workstation:
My lifestyle captured in a single image.
100 Bullets
     I've just started the last TPB volume of this outstanding comic* series.  Having got to the end, I'll probably have to go back and re-read from the start.  The artwork has been uniformly excellent, and I'm glad Risso kept to schedule - I hate "bait-and-switch" publishing.  Since it comes to a conclusion and a definite end I like it even more - no resurrection, when it's done, it's done, complete and ended.  Similarly with "The Boys" - the end, finis.

Another Record
     Yesterday I had over 60 views, the highest ever for BOOJUM!  If you were one of those people, thank you for reading!
Why Giraffes?  Why not!
I Dream -
     - of ice-cream.  I got two cartons of whipping cream yesterday because it was going cheap, with the idea of making more ice-cream.  Not that I've finished the Lychee or the Avocado & Coconut yet, but what the hell, the world can always deal with extra ice-cream.  Ice-cream's big in Libya, you know.  It would be, given the temperature.  Here it forms part of my work breakfast, and is perfectly normal, thank you.

So - tanks?
     Let me introduce you to the Char 2C, a French monster weighing-in at 69 tons, with a twelve-man crew
100 metres per gallon
Bit of a white elephant, it never did any fighting, but it did demonstrate that France can build Really Big Tanks.

Righto - better go do something with that whipping cream, eh?

* Graphic novel if you want to be a pseud about it.

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