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Tuesday 29 October 2013

Aha! Today's Theme - Doctor Who

Way back in time -
     Not long arrived on the planet, Conrad grew up with children's television programmes like "The Woodentops", "Supercar" and "Pinky and Perky".
     Then along came Doctor Who.  The theme music was a terrifying electronic score, the background to a bleak and un-nerving title sequence, there were Daleks, and lots of people got killed.  It terrified me; I would flee to the top of the stairs when it came on, arriving slightly earlier each week until able to sit through a whole episode.  The Cybermen still creep me out.
The Doctor is In.
Let's Time Travel
     Because we can.  I mentioned "Empire", the film magazine, yesterday.  This is a potentially dangerous artefact that needs to be treated with care, as you can carelessly pick it up, browse for a few minutes and then discover an hour and a half have gone by.  What did I see in it?  This photo:
No it's not a robot - vintage 1960 television camera
That's David Bradley, not William Hartnell, and I had to look closely to realise who it was and who it wasn't.  Someone, somewhere, in Casting, made a good choice.  Have a BOOJUM!-powered pat on the back!

Why So Popular? - or - The Doctor Is In
     In ages past, Doctor Who was seen by the powers-that-be at the BBC as something rather distasteful, vulgar and silly and "Wouldn't you rather buy our Bristol wildlife series or a funny game-show with Bruce Forsyth?"
     The view became less set over time, with the video releases earning the BBC about £10 million.  By 2005, people in the corridors of power were those who had grown up with the programme and they didn't see it as trivial or worthless.
     Hey pesto!  The Doctor reappears after a sixteen year hiatus, to universal acclaim.  I still have to pinch myself to see if this is real.
     It is real, isn't it? 
A question I ask myself every single day!

 A Confession
     The zombie novel didn't get any input last night because <ahem> I was reading an old fan-fiction novel I'd written years ago.  "City In The Sky", probably still available on the Fanfiction website. Yes, Doctor Who.  No, this one is Seventh Doctor and Ace.

[A moment's ferreting-about on the internet occurs]

Herein the link:

Warning: it is quite long.

So - Tanks?

A Note To Our Readers
     Due to customer feedback, please replace all prior mentions of "Wifey" with "Wonder Wife", and amend all references to darling daughter with the following capitalisation:  "Darling Daughter".  Thankyew.

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