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Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Jive Jive In The Archive

Conrad Is Unsure If He Can Spin This Intro Out Enough

I like to hit between 600 and 700 words for an Intro and am unsure if there's enough meat on the bones of this particular topic to sustain all that.

     We'll see.

     "ARCHIVE": According to my "Collins Concise Dictionary" this is defined as: "1 A collection of records of an institution, family, etc.  2) A place where such records are kept" 3) Computing data transferred to a tape or disk for long term storage rather than frequent use 4) To store in an archive or other repository."  Derived from Late Latin and, at root, the Greek  'Arkheion', meaning 'repository of official records', from 'Arkhe' meaning 'Government', which - I looked a bit further down the page, sue me - leads to the word "Arkhein', meaning 'To rule', from which was derived the word 'Arkhon' or 'Ruler'.  Art!

     You can't blame me for adding in a bit of clickbaitery.  Even if you do, once again, whose blog is it?

     ANYWAY what we are dealing with here is another example of Bus Factor One, which is not the pre-faster than light version of Warp Factor One.  Do you see wh - O you do.

     A 'Bus Factor' is an indication of how robust an organisation is in relation to critical staff members.  Meaning that, if your Modular Veeblefetzer Artificer is knocked down by a bus on the way into work, do you have other people sufficiently skilled in Veeblefetzer Artificing of the Modular (NOT the Holistic version Heaven forfend!) variety to carry on?  The higher the Bus Factor, the safer you are from traumatic events.  Art!

The AI Art Generator's idea of what a MVA is*.

     Okay, I am working from a Comment I took off a Youtube channel I was watching.  The poster remained a trifle vague about exactly what the business was or what it did and never named it.  There seemed to be big money involved, a large-scale organisation and rigorous legal oversight.  Also a Big Boss.  The BB generated various paperwork containing detailed information, which was dealt with by a specially-retained archivist stroke inventory analyst.  She copied, scanned, labelled and stored all this information, because it was needed for potential legal review.  She - let's call her Abigail The Archivist, 'she' seems a bit cold for a lady who's going to generate blog content.  ATA stored all this information in a bespoke database that she had designed and created.  Art!

Probably a little more modest than this one

     Abigail felt she was being underpaid and resigned.  BUS FACTOR ONE ALERT BUS FACTOR ONE ALERT BUS FACTOR ONE ALERT!

      According to the Commenter, the company brought in a replacement for ATA, whom he bluntly described as 'an idiot'.  Well done HR, for successfully recruiting a square peg for O there isn't a hole at all.  She was gone in six months.  

     The business swallowed their pride and went grovelling back to Abigail, pleading for her to come and rescue them from their own ineptness. BUS FACTOR ONE ALERT BUS FACTOR ONE ALERT BUS FACTOR ONE ALERT!

     ATA knew that she had them over a barrel.  In fact, two barrels, both of them belonging to a shotgun.  She negotiated a big salary increase, which one might well expect.  Then she stiffed them for the cost of two (!) Master's degrees that she was studying.  The company agreed to fully pay her if she got A grades across the two degrees, which she proceeded to do.  Conrad has checked and this potentially cost the business $40,000.  Once back at work she could only study part-time, so the duration of her study was probably four years long, as doing a Master's full-time usually takes around two years.  Art!

Bus Factor Stupid


     Given that she was there for an extended period of time, and management knew what happened the last time Abigail The Archivist left, Conrad likes to think they had her train at least one other person in her archival mysteries.  Because once she'd finished her degrees she resigned and got a new job paying three times her old salary.

     Well, I'm delighted to day that by the end of that previous sentence we were up to 708 words.  Proof that Conrad can procrastinate with the best of them.

I Cavil At Your Indignation

We all know that Conrad is a horrible person, but I have to work at it to keep up.  Art!

     I disagree, because they don't include Nigel Farage in this trio.  The good burghers of Clacton, whom elected the Nasty Little Man to office, might object if he goes swanning off to South Canada again in order to lick the Orange Land Whale's shoes to a high polish.

"Lawrence Block - The Collected Mystery Stories"

I don't need to add whom the author is, do I?  You might say that this volume is yet more proof of Conrad's 'gigantophilia' when it comes to books, as it clocks in at 882 pages.  Since my phone's camera is still AWOL, let us pluck an image from teh Interwebz.  Art!

     The author, in an introduction, explains that he's omitted a few stories from the late Fifties, which he thinks would only be of interest to extreme completists and barely worth the time as a reading exercise.  What you do get are dozens of short stories featuring characters from his novels.  I have finished the first one and thus stand proudly at Page 15.

     It's going to take a while.


Conrad's Blogger traffic figures always seem to go potty when the Ruffian bot farms swamp social media with disinfo; this may be causual, coincidence or the FSB being interested in what I say - purely for research purposes and not to have a cheap laugh at their Gremlin Kremlin boss, honestly audit software.

     So, it was interesting to see the figures reach credible highs recently.  Art!

     "This month" is flattering but surely nonsense.  Three times the normal monthly total with another ten days to go?  Art!

     The South Canadians still love me.  Also, look how enormous Canada is, and how the FSB's VPN protocols keep them off the map and their superior's radar.  Nice to see all 3 Sork readers are represented.

Stop Trying To Empty My Wallet!

Curse the nefarious tracking algorithms on Youtube!  They keep putting up adverts that feature Andersonia's "UFO" and I accidentally caught one that brought up a resource I didn't know existed.  Art!

     This is said to be Volume One of two, and it collects the various "UFO" comic strips from "Countdown".  Conrad cannot remember reading a single one of them, even though the odds are high that I did so at the time, and I can't help wondering what the tone and content is like.  "UFO" was a far more adult show than previous Anderson productions but "Countdown" was most definitely a children's comic - no swearing or nudity.  Just imagine, the children reading this comic grew up into those who wrote and drew "The Boys".  Art!

Actually I think I remember this one, a little vaguely

Our Journey With Bernie

First! the due diligence, as we here at BOOJUM! stand eternally vigilant.  Except for when we're asleep.  Or eating.  Conrad pays a lot of attention to what he eats, wh

     ANYWAY let us skip past #64 because it's not available - you see now why I bother doing these checks - and go with #65 "The Quagmire".  Art!

     Ooops.  "A lot of my earlier -" fuzzy gibberish fuzzy gibberish.  Conrad would speculate that the real problem about this mire of quag is what lives in it, not the swampy ground itself.

Finally -

Conrad plans to have a shower later tonight, before the gas goes off tomorrow, which once again means taping up his dressed foot in a plastic bag and wrapping that bag in another plastic bag.  Plus, I have a recipe for Yoghurt and Orange Cake that could well do with being baked, as I've eaten all the Barm Brack.

*  And who's to say they're wrong?  

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