You Know, That Uncharacteristically Succinct Teuton Word
Which can be interpreted, a little prosily, as "Malicious enjoyment of other people's misery" because there's nothing better than gloasting about how awful another person's life is going as compared to your own.
Whilst we're on the subject, allow me to mention trainwrecks. Art!
Nothing too contemporary, we're not completely tasteless. Conrad has a book lying around somewhere called "Danger On The Line", which is a morbidly fascinating look at railway accidents here in the UK. Art!
Ol' Stu came to the conclusion that deaths and injuries were far more likely to occur if th
ANYWAY what I meant were metaphorical trainwrecks, where you witness disastrous behaviour obviously leading to a very bad conclusion, but, like a real trainwreck, you cannot look away. Thus it is that I would like to mention Ryan Kinel and his 'Outpost' Youtube channel, which has the merit of only putting up vlogs that are 5 or 6 minutes long. I mean, I love 'Perun' like a brother, but a seventy minute vlog? Art!
ANYWAY AGAIN one thing Ryan is consistent about are his dislikes: if he hates a film or game there's no way he's going to be reticent or forbearing about it, he will give them a right old verbal lashing.
Okay, so which live-action film comes out at the end of March from Disney Studios? None other than "Snow White". We have already ladled invective over this farrago but, again, schadenfreude. If you remember, it was going to feature 'Seven Magical Beings' who would embody Political Correctness.
Apparently this didn't work out and the studio suits suffered a collective case of the stupids and decided to go full reshoot. This time the 7MB were replaced with seven ghastly CGI abominations. Art!
Studio accountants go white and quiver when they hear the word 'reshoot' because it ALWAYS increases the budget, substantially. In this case the already enormous budget of $240 million ballooned to $270 million. The bottom line budget total for - you can see why I called it a trainwreck, can't you? - this film needs another $100 million added on for promotion and advertising. No distribution costs as Disney do their own distribution.
$370 million. Wowsers. This Titanic-sized turkey is going to have to clear $740 million at the box office just to break even.
The litany of woe doesn't stop there. Rachel Zegler, the lead, has proven incapable of keeping her flapping pie-hole shut. She ought to go out in public with a tongue-wrangler. She has annoyed fans of the original animation, Gal Gadot, Ryan Kinel and - it would be easier to list whom she hasn't annoyed. Art!
If I were the suit responsible for this hot garbage, I'd let it quietly die and never release it, because the omens are not good. In the same was that an exploding volcano is quite dangerous. Art!
A total of 40,021 Likes versus 1,000,141 Dislikes. This huge difference is known as 'getting ratioed'. That's not all, because Ryan also played a song that the Youtube 'Chat Music' channel did, where the lyrics were all Comments on the 'Snow White' official Disney trailer. They are epic. Art!
Herein the link, because it's not half as funny when you simply read the Comments instead of hearing them sung:
Those of us with patience, long memories and a willingness to suffer moderate torment, might well check back here in March 2026, because if any of this cinematic slobberdegullion was filmed in the UK, Disney will have had to file a complete financial audit of their accounts and have it open to public scrutiny. Then we'll discover how much it really cost. By then, of course - obviously! - it will have been forgotten amongst all the other odious tat that Disney seem determined to pump out. This will definitely be a case of the online roastings it will receive are far more entertaining than the film itself.
More Of Snow That Is White
Snow, white |
Ooops |
Cat One has apparently driven over a body of water that had iced over. The wind-blown snow covered it, thus making it seem just as solid as the ground around. Perhaps a 4WD might have gotten away with this, but a ten-ton caterpillar vehicle's ground-loading is simply far too high, and down it goes. Art!
This is how Cat One comes to rest, which is extremely lucky for the driver, because if it had gone down horizontally, not at an angle, then he wouldn't be able to escape. Art!
Change of underwear time! There were several people clustered around the chap filming this, none of whom dared approach the sunken vehicle, as it's utterly obscure as to where the ground ends and the void begins.
Jumping Jack Flash It's Not A Gas Gas Gas
Conrad has always found it instructive to model Donold Judas Trump's behavious on that of a spiteful, petty seven year-old, because that's how he behaves, and is also his reading age.
ANYWAY it seems that this childish mindset is either catching or influential, because guess who else has been throwing their toys out of the pram? Art!
This is Robert Fico, pronounced 'Bottomhole', the President of Slovakia, whose primary skill is being able to lick the boots of Bloaty Gas Tout to a high shine. He has been threatening blood and thunder for Ukraine and Prez Zed, rather in the manner of King Lear "I will do such things - what they are, I yet know not, but they shall be the terrors of the earth"
Yeah right. Art!
As I pointed out on Twitter, Slovakia has had THREE YEARS to source alternate gas suppliers instead of relying on Ruffia. Fico has deliberately avoided making any choice, probably believing the Kremlin Gremlin's line that Ukraine was going to collapse any day now. Annnnnny day now. Just around the corner. Annnnnny day now <Cont. Page 94>. This proves that crossing your fingers REALLY HARD is not an effective political solution to anything.
FICO - "Fuel Inbound Cut Off" would be a great political epitaph for him, one thinks.
Bennu And The Jets
Sorry, couldn't resist. Have we covered this asteroid before? I cannot be bothered to trawl the archives, so let's just say 'yes'. It's one of those Near Earth Objects that has a significantly less-than-zero chance of smacking into your our planet in the middle future. Art!
It was the first target of NASA's asteroid-return project, meaning that samples of it were returned to Earth for study, all 140 grams of them.
Well, well, Kelvin Gosnell. It seems that Bennu was positively hotching with organic molecules, including amino acids, which you might describe as the Lego blocks that more complex life is assembled from. There is every possibility that life on Earth began because our biosphere was 'seeded' with organic start-ups that arrived by virtue of asteroid bombardment. Art!
None of this would have been possible without the OSIRIS REX mission, which - Art!
- used jets.
Finally -
Edna has finally given up hoping for a bit of pizza crust. As well she may, it was a rather picquant one thanks to all the jalapenos it sported.
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