If This Tale Had A Title
It would be along the lines of 'Don't diss the digger of graves, since he knows where the bodies are buried, so behaves!"*
It's a symptom of bad management that they cannot see beyond the ends of their noses, view the bigger picture or realise that are people they either report to or are under the aegis of, including law enforcement. They also tend to get shot of good managers, whom they see as being a potential threat due to being good at their job and not back-stabbing, brown-nosing or conspiring. Art!
I used the text "Self-propelled gun made of diamond" because "Manglement" created what looked like the entrance to a nightclub - Art!
Yes, moody and atmospheric, and nothing at all to do with the subject, wh
ANYWAY our Put Upon IT Guy, hereafter PUITG, was working in what sounds like a government agency, quite possibly in South Canada. Things had been running smoothly for him since his immediate boss was a Good Manager, who deflected what PUITG called 'nonsense'. Then in came a new Capo De Tutte Capo, whom simply had to put his own stamp on the organisation. First step was to force the Good Manager out due to work-related stress, which brought on a heart attack. Art!
They then set their sights on PUITG, and paid a consultant tens of thousands of pounds to carry out an audit of his job and role. The intent had been to find enough dirt to sack him, except that backfired, as the insignificant details the audit picked up were resolved by the next day. On the other hand, PUITG discovered that the audit reported on his managers and what they had to do within a 6-month timescale. He made it emphatically clear that if their responsibilities had not been addressed in 6 months, he would leave. Senior managers suck teeth, clench fists, tug ties and agree.
THIS IS THE DIGGER OF GRAVES I MENTIONED. This chap had been working there for years and knew the organisation inside out, upside down and back to front. Point One: can you afford to lose a person with that level of skill and experience? Point Two: if you annoy and anger them, can they retaliate?
After PUITG told them he was going to leave, he got called to a meeting, where a random stranger showed those present a laptop that didn't work, and who claimed to have told PUITG about it months previously. Quite what this had to do with PUITG leaving wasn't clear, apart from trying to muddy the waters and besmirch his good name. He pointed out that there had been no note about this 'broken laptop', no e-mails, no SMS nor any repair tickets raised, and that matey had been apparently skiving all those months not working thanks to the 'broken laptop'. Art!
Text prompt "I quit"
PUITG immediately stated his intention to quit, and the CFTC equally immediately objected, stating he had to give notice of two months. A future date like that would allow them to either train a replacement or recruit from scratch.
HOWEVER - ah, old friend, how nice to see you again! - PUITG informed them that he had swung by HR on his way to this meeting, and one of the issues raised by that very expensive audit was - manglement not allowing him to have time off. So he had accumulated two months of leave. Which he was going to start immediately. Art!
Given the appalled surprise of the managers present, it seems that the meeting was, once again, to besmirch PUITGs good name and hammer them into the square hole, they being the round peg.
Having shown no loyalty, manglement got none in return. PUITG promptly reported them to their industry ombudsman. He quotes "I knew a lot of what went on at that place" and "they were telling fibs about how money was being spent". Remember Point Two above? British Ombudsmen have an awful lot of clout when it comes to investigating.
In less than a week this organisation was besieged by inspectors and auditors, who went over everything with a scanning electron microscope. The CDTC was immediately fired and never worked in the industry again. All the C-suite managers were fired. By the time dust had settled, 90% of the staff had been fired and replaced. They shelled out £50,000 in order to get their IT functions merely running and never got back to the state of grace they had when PUITG was there.
He fell on his feet, as his old boss hired him and a few of the ex-employees in his new workplace, getting paid half as much again as his old job. Art!
A Bit Of A Comparison
As you should surely know, we here at BOOJUM! relish in the schadenfreude that comes from looking at the ruble's exchange rate versus the dollar. "Bricktop" over on Twitter recommended using the Pound Sterling exchange rate instead, so I've decided to show both at once, and you can judge for yourself which is better. Art!
Precious little difference if you ask me. Except knowing a ruble is worth less than £0.01 or a single penny kind of puts it in perspective. This plan of Dimya's must be incredibly subtle if currency depreciation is part of it, hmmm? Bricktop made a crack about the ruble being replaced by potatoes, and it cost two potatoes to buy a single potato. Which becomes less amusing when one reads that food cards are going to be issued to the poor in Modern-day Mordor, which is most of them.
Tee and hee |
"The War Illustrated Edition 200 16th February 1945"
By this date it was obvious that the Third Reich was on it's last legs and Herr Schickelgruber had blown any chance of successfully defending the borders of Germany by expending a whole army in the Battle of the Bulge. Which had stopped the Allies from advancing for about six weeks. Art!
At top you can see why winter camouflage is important when there's snow on the ground, as these British troops stand out very starkly. They're not under fire, however, as they're not running or crouching. Below that is a pair of pictures illustrating one of the Allied weapons the Teutons hated and feared above all else - the Churchill 'Crocodile' flame-throwing tank. The flame-projector had a long enough reach that it could fire upon infantry without being at risk from handheld anti-tank weapons, and only the most fanatical Teutons would stand and fight against a Crocodile. And at bottom a collection of sensible Teutons have decided that squaring off against a one-hundred and twenty yard tongue of napalm is a bad idea.
We Are Living In The Future
I keep emphasising this and here's an incidental to prove it. Your Humble Scribe was reading an article on the BBC's News website about scientific discoveries of 2024, and I came across an interesting item about the accidental discovery of a lost Mayan city. Art!
Lost in the tropical jungles of Mexico. How did it get discovered? Aha. Thanks to 'Lidar', a laser mapping tool, used to 'see' beneath jungle canopies. Art!
It's just a hop and a skip from that to the DRADIS system used in "Battlestar Galactica". You have been warned.
Finally -
I need a shave!
* Yes yes yes I know it's not a proper word, sue me.
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