Hmmm. I see. You don't have an understanding of dead languages?
I should also apologise, since one of the things that annoys your humble scribe* are untranslated foreign languages present in books. The author who wrote an autobiography of his exploits during the First Unpleasantness, or the Official History even, who doesn't bother to translate his Greek quotation is pushing it, frankly. Back in the day a hundred years ago you could presume your audience were familiar with quotes from Cicero or Plato; not so nowadays.
Close enough |
And today is Monday. Cold and wet, too, although not as dark for as long.
Okay, now that we've introduced the mordant subject matter of the inevitability of death, let us skip sprightly to a different subject.
The Hours.
Ha! Do you see - oh you do.
Allow Art to enlighten us. ART!
Time doing it's stuff (some good tracks here) |
Okay, enough wibbling Intro, let the motley career wildly out of control on the highway of whimsy**!
It should be apparent from the muttering and raving presented for your attention here on BOOJUM! that Conrad likes his word-puzzles. He does have a serious weakness for logic puzzles also, and had to hide the book he got as a Christmas present as it was TOO addictive.
So I am not sure what to make of this. Art?
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22 Across |
Also, and this is potentially a rash act that I may come to regret, I have started from this weekend to tackle Sudoku puzzles. Here's a couple I did on the bus ride home. Art?
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Easy on the left and Moderate in the middle |
A Botanical Bargain
One of Wonder Wifey's hitherto unsuspected talents is that of gardening, and specifically growing vegetables. I can't attest to the strawberries of last summer, I never got to sample any, and I strongly suspect the only way I'll get any this year is by
So! let Art further educate you. Art? Put down the coal scuttle. PUT IT DOWN!
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Behold the bargain |
At this point, our surrogate child took - Edna, not Sally - oh let me illustrate. Art?
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Edna: smaller and furrier than Sally |
Now, I have to remember to take some Liquorice Toffee and Blackcurrant & Liquorice sweets in for Janice tomorrow, so perhaps I shall offer her some crystallised ginger as well. Given that Tom reacted to the sample he ate as if it were toxic, I shall only offer a small piece.
Look, it says "Snacking Essentials" on the packet, clearly Tom is a gustatory outlier with taste issues!
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Proof! Proof that I am right, I tell you! |
* Amongst a very long list of things
** I apologise for going a bit far with the metaphors. Won't happen again.
*** "Things" - translation courtesy Mister Hand, who notes the howling irony
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