Conrad is slightly intrigued by the ending of a set of German surnames. They end in "-thal", e.g. "Morgenthal" "Rosenthal" "Blumenthal". Now, that semi-word "thal" on it's own doesn't have any meaning in the online translators I've used. I wondered if it might mean "tail" as there is a Norwegian horror film called "Thal" that means "tail", but no, "Tail" in German is "schwanz".
<goes off and Googles>
Ah! I see it all so clearly now!
Thals - residents of the planet Skaro and sworn enemies of the Daleks!
Their struggle leaves no room for fashion sense, apparently. And thereby hangs a schwanz. |
No, this is not a cartoon strip about a teacher in a rough Scottish school!
Also available in Plaid or Taupe |
Why tell you this? Because America is not all big city or Monument Valley. Hmmm. Monument Valley. We may come back to revisit there ...
Idyllic, n'est pas? |
As ever, let Conrad take the hits so you can decide if they're worth it or not. No, don't thank me, only doing my job.
Film Five Words
Mama Mia Loads of bloody ABBA songs
Oliver! Never seen the horrid thing
Flashdance Dancing, interspersed with vile songs
Fame More damned dancing and songs!*
Hard-Boiled Bullet ballet, big bangs, blood
Eraserhead Beyond weird. Beyond anything, really
Vaguely Related To Films
Young and tragically Scouse, Mike was in the kitchen alongside Conrad today, holding forth about telephone calls (we work in an office environment with hundreds of incoming phone calls every day). He skitted about the problems of finishing a phone call, mutually overlapping "goodbyes" obscuring each other and drawing out the process, occasionally to silly lengths.
"I don't like saying goodbyes," finished Mike.
"Aha!" beamed Conrad, in an imbecilic pose resembling a man struck by lightning in the nethers. "That sounds like a film quote - straight out of "Brief Encounter!".
A huge bluff on my part. I've never seen the film and don't intend to*.
Thus the cultural score is even at 30-30. But Mike is still tragically Scouse.
Kitchen counter. Close enough. |
As a regular reader - you are a regular reader, aren't you? - would know, Conrad likes music - look, I don't want to labour the point but you ARE a regular reader, aren't you? - and has a broad swathe of genres that he likes, bar hip-hop and country & western, and he's not keen at all - OKAY PROVE YOU'RE A REGULAR READER! - on that hideous classicist catterwauling called leider, nor any band where their looks are more important than the music - yes, Beatles, I'm looking at you!
Look at them. George, Ringo, Paul and John. Er - and Yoko Ono. |
King Capisce - from Sheffield, where good music has a history. Incredibly talented
musicians with a bit of jazz in them.
Minus The Bear - no description offered yet the name alone is interesting
Neurosis - Alison took the time to come back and mention them
IamamiwhoamI - Alison had to spell this one. Swedish and mental, in a good way
Bosnian Rainbows - aha! these I know and have the CD already.
I was able to recommend the Apparat Organ Quartet, Icelandic keyboard rapscallions spar** excellence, except I couldn't remember their recent CD's name - hang on let me Grooveshark - "Polyfonia", with a lot of diacritical marks.
Karl Marx. Close enough |
Really, I only make use of what nature provides, if you define nature as "a giant conglomeration of construction companies building major transport infrastructure". Anyway, a shot of cranes at rest. Despite being awesomely large, they don't do anything!
O Noes!
No shots of Edna being cute today.
<thinks in a wicked way, twirling moustache ends>
Heh! That's at least another 5 hits for the stats ... |
Here's a photo of crayons being shot in slow-motion:
The Mob practice an assassination. Soon, someone will get waxed ... |
** Get it? From "Icelandic Spar". Quartz from Iceland? Bah, Phillistines!