And Your Humble Scribe has already seen the first two episodes. You know Conrad, no inner self-control so it's entirely possible I'll binge-watch the whole lot this weekend.
About to destroy the world again. Those scamps! |
Bear in mind that I was working up to 17:00 yesteryon, too, in between walking the dog and getting dinner, and continuing "Sand And Steel", Peter Caddick-Adams' epic account of D-Day.
What's that? You say I should watch only a single episode per week? <insert loud swear here> Sorry but the days of yore when that was a legitimate behaviour are looooong gone.
![]() |
Saturday afternoon cliff-hanger, anyone? |
Doubtless there are countless columns out there going into every nuance of the second season, so we here at BOOJUM! won't bother - at least not until we've seen the whole thing.
No! Unusually, not one of those words that pop up in my mind at random. No, we happened to pass some whilst I was walking Edna earlier this afternoon, and - obviously! - Conrad wondered where the name came from.
"Probably Greek," I informed Edna, who wisely remained silent on the subject. If you can't sniff it or eat it, she's not interested in flora or fauna. Art!
Rhodies |
Hmmmm another differing function of this new Blogger iteration - more enlargement options. Previously there were only 4 - Small, Medium, Large and Extra-Large and now there's at least 6. Although at that scale all Lancashire would be rhododendron.
Anyway, Conrad guessed correctly. My Collins Concise states that "Rhododendron" is a combination of two Greek words: "Rhodon" for "Rose" and "Dendron" for "Tree".
BOOJUM! - educating you one fact at a time.
Proof Of Pooch
Edna the Wunderhund has both extremely acute hearing and sharp wits. She can hear me rustling the poop-bags in the kitchen, from twenty feet* down the hallway and behind a closed door, and immediately begins whining and whimpering because she knows this preparation precedes walkies.
So, too, is it with packets of crisps and similar. Art?
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A telling juxtaposition |
Did you know, "Juxtaposition" didn't exist as a word before the nineteenth century? It was created by taking the Latin for "Next to", which is "Juxta" and sticking it to the front of "Position".
Yet another fact brought to you by the ever-diligent BOOJUM!
Excuse me, just going to slip downstairs to finish off that pot of tea.
Ahhh, that's better! Can't waste any of that valuable Darjeeling, you know.
What On Earth?
Just out of sheer schadenfreude, Conrad Googled "Grey Wolf Hitler Escaped" in reference to the potboiling nonsensical work "Grey Wolf", which alleges Herr Schickelgruber managed to escape from Berlin and live out his life Somewhere.
O boy, that'll serve me right.
I found the Amazon page reviewing the DVD of the television series, and the first review is from a frothing conspiranoid loonwaffle, going by the name "Niburu". That should have warned me: Nibiru is the name given to the planet that collided with Earth and destroyed it and us - O wait a minute that never happened, did it?
Perhaps I was asleep, because I missed it |
Nibs goes on to praise the "documentary" to the heavens, and of course - obviously! - claims that "mainstream scientists and archaeologists" (where they fit into events less than 75 years old beats me) don't tell the truth because they'll lose their jobs were they to do so.
What's really bothersome is that 10 people found this review Helpful.
The next review gives the DVD one star, only because you can't give zero or negative stars, and warns that it's of interest only to neo-Nazis or (Nibs I'm looking at you) conspiracy loons.
One thing these "Herr Schickelgruber Escaped!!!" <apologies for the hysterical level of exclamation marks but that's how these people think and write> loonwaffles ignore or handwave away is how seriously ill the man was by war's end, an utterly shattered wreck on a poisonous cocktail of drugs, who was not long for the world even it he had escaped.
One suspects that Herr Schickelgruber was apoplectic with rage about this film**. |
What On Earth, And Indeed Off It?
Conrad is not tolerant nor kindly towards conspiranoid swivel-eyed loons, especially those that insist Finland is an invention. So - my brows were furrowed - okay, okay, they're normally furrowed - they were furrowed more than usual at a sidebar item on the BBC's webpage, which, if Art doesn't want the electric pitchfork treatment -
Okay, onto the - what's that? How can we be sure?
O For Flip's Sake! We can see one hemisphere of the moon clearly, with telescopes - heck, even with binoculars - and there's no sign of alien life. Of course you get the swivel-eyed loons claiming that some blurred pixels on a photograph are proof, when they're just blurred pixels, not "An exotic alien palace constructed out of diamonds with green-skinned naked princesses -" yes we can guess where that's heading.
For one thing, 99% of the Moon's surface was photographed by the Lunar Orbiter robot probes in 1966 and 1967, and - no aliens.
Clunky but functional |
I believe that, collectively, these probes orbited the Moon over 10,000 times in total.
More recently the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has been overflying the Moon since 2009, taking high-resolution photographs of the entire surface and again - no aliens.
"It'a all a NASA conspiracy!" bleat the loonwaffles.
O rly? Explain away the Chinese lunar photography that, too, lacks any aliens. The Populous Dictatorship isn't going to co-operate with the South Canadians on anything at present, but - O hang on a minute, what's this? - O yes, still no aliens.
LRO photographic evidence |
Late-breaking news! Water is still wet, the sky is still blue and O yes STILL NO ALIENS.
And with that we are done, though I bet we come back to some of these. Later!
* None of that metric nonsense here, O no!
** Heh.
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