That's Oliver Cromwell To You
And we still cannot choose Trebuchet, instead being landed with the repellently odious Times. Well, lemons and lemonade, one supposes.
Okay, there will now be a short pause as I go log onto Microsoft Teams and wave a happy hello to my compatriots; our planned Tuesday meeting was cancelled and we didn't have any such same last Thursday, meaning I've forgotten what some people look like, except Lee will probably sport an even bushier beard.
Right, I'm back! I notice that Blogger is now adding an extra line after each paragraph, which again is not something I wanted or chose. Grrrrrr! Conrad is angry*.
Angry and suspicious |
Okay, I made a note in my Pukka Pad "Oliver's Army", which refers - obviously! - to the catchy pop song by Elvis Costello and the Attractions. Art?
Twice because why not. Yes indeed, the "Oliver" in this song title is the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell, and the Army in question was the New Model Army. This entity was a revolutionary change in how Parliament created and used it's armed forces, since prior to the NMA soldiers would desert if made to serve beyond their local area. It was a full-time professional army, rather than being a conscript militia force, and was intended to be completely divorced from politics - though this latter was more honoured in the breach. It campaigned all over the place, to the discomfort of both Ireland and Scotland.
<pause whilst I get me some lunch>
BOOJUM! Demolishes Idiots
Unless they happen to be reading BOOJUM! in which case we will allow their idiocy to go unremarked, until later. Conrad has less than no time for the conspiranoid loonwaffles who breathlessly repeat utter tripe " - because it was on social media". As soon as you read an item that claims authenticity " - because a friend of a friend - " you should navigate away, as this is code for " - I have no idea about Subject X but will nevertheless pontificate about it as if I do". Art?
Okay, what streets and where? First off, that's a Ruffian tank, a T34/85, which has been obsolete since the Fifties, so unless you're talking about the streets of some Third World dictatorship, you are peddling loonwaffle. Secondly, it never happened. Thirdly, see Secondly. WHICH IDIOTS PROMOTED THIS DRIVEL!
The very real tragedy of Beirut is, of course, the equivalent of an open jar of jam to flies, as these people with questionable connections to reality boldly hold forth. Art?
"Our evaluation is guesswork" says it all. No, sir, your evaluation is drivel, is what it is. There was no bomb, no nuke, no Hezbollah and no missiles being stored.
![]() |
Because many people are gullible idiots? |
Lebanese media was notably empty of claims about fireworks. Here we have another idiot who thinks a mushroom cloud instantly means "atomic", showing they know nothing about large explosions. The thermodynamics of any sufficiently large explosion will create a fireball that rises; however, a nuclear explosion also releases an actinic burst of light powerful enough to melt the exposed human eyeball, which patently did not happen in Beirut. Your Humble Scribe saw an 11 second clip of the explosion on Twitter and immediately thought "ammunition dump" NOT "O Good Lord Aloft A Mushroom Cloud It's Totes Nukes". Note the absence of any radioactive fallout, which you would get plenty of in a nuke going off at Ground Zero at ground level.
This pretty much sums it up |
Kolbenova flea market, Prague |
Finally -
Nope, the extra line's back in. Blogger! Conrad is even angrier than he was before, and I was already pretty angry.
Where were we? O yes, we're nearly at the Compositional Ton, so this item only needs to be short. I know at this point Your Modest Artisan usually throws in a spoof of an Horror Trope, which adds five hundreds words because NO EDITOR. Not today.
No, I just wanted to mention that I've heard several tracks on "The Umbrella Academy" which I've liked, including one from episode 8, "Sister of Pearl" by Scott Baio; for Lo! some kind soul out there has put up the sountrack for each episode, with a precis of what's happening as the song plays. Thank you kind web-page creator, Conrad salutes your work!
And with that we are done done done!
* I know, I know, I'm always angry. Angrier than usual.
** Noble, that's me.
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