As I Believe The Young Folks Say
It's probably slang for something sordid and sleazy which we won't go into here - SFW, remember? Anyway, if you were expecting something sordid and sleazy from BOOJUM! then THE EXIT DOOR IS THAT WAY!
No, I refer in today's title (yes I'm on leave but you're only getting the one post today for reasons explained later on) to that most time-devouring of hobbies, the jigsaw. Art?
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It begins |
As you can see, being extremely thorough/horribly compulsive/utterly anal <delete where applicable> I have laid out about 250 pieces, and put all the surplus right-way up in the box. My first intent was to pick a section of the jigsaw with nice bright contrasting colours, so the upper port part was immediately out - too many dull blues and greys. So I'm picking out the Nemo-fish, whatever species they are.
You are going to get regular updates on this, O yes indeed.
Motley, fetch me my Anti-Locomotive Gun, for I hear the sinister yet still distant sound of steam engines ...
Fifty-Nine Today!
It is indeed my date of origin, and the Earth has been around the Sun fifty nine times since then. This means, of course - obviously! - that next year I have to grow up and start behaving sensibly <sad face>.
Well, Darling Daughter knows me so well. Art?
Ha! O so very apt for someone as into tanks as Yours Truly. That card in the background is from the lovely Anna, and the cup unfortunately conceals that cutie Manisha, with piccies from when we were last out. Which was ages ago.
Okay, Art?
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Darling Daughter in her Coloured Hair phase |
We've not seen much of each other during Lockdown, so tonight she and I are going for a meal in Gomorrah-on-the-Irwell, location not yet chosen. Possibly Mowgli's, as we've been there before for my birthday; we shall see when the time comes. No hugging, of course, though a little elbow-bumping may ensue. This is why I am typing at 12:54 not 16:54 and why you'll only get one post today. Is that okay? It had better be, it's what's going to happen whether you like it or not. I've still got to squeeze in a wash and shave and lunch and perhaps walk the dog as well, and I want to get to Sainsbury's in Oldham as my supplies of loose-leaf Darjeeling are running dangerously low. I appear to have gone through four packets since June - damn this lockdown working from home stuff!
The Holland Brothers Take On The World
If you read these pages regularly then you'll recognise the name James Holland. I've got quite a few of his works already, all of them dealing with the Second Unpleasantness. Lesser known, perhaps, is his brother Tom Holland, also a historian, but one who deals with antiquity, and I've got one of his works, too.
Well, last week Tom was invited to participate in his brother's and Al Murray's (yes the comedian) podcast, which looked at how influential Classical civilisation was in the Third Reich, to which the answer is: a lot.
There was rather a lot of ground covered, and in fact it was so interesting I might listen to it again (and make notes, like the anorak I am). Art!
The brothers Holland: what one wag dubbed "Double Dutch" |
Going off at a tangent, Ol' Jim remarked that the Allied commanders, particularly those from Perfidious Albion, were also highly familiar with Roman history. James then mentioned how "risk-averse" they were in the field - to which Tom unexpectedly replied that the Roman army was also just as risk-averse in the field. When they stopped marching for the day, they constructed a fortified camp, always. Always always always. In fact they might halt early to construct just such a camp because the terrain further on was unsuitable. It was a combination of folly, sin and insanity to not construct a fortified camp.
An artist's impression. (No cameras at the time) |
This one has legs, so yes we will be coming back to it. I bet you can hardly wait.
Sherbet Fountain
I mentioned "Sherbet dib-dabs" last week, which is code for "I can't remember exactly when nor can I be bothered to check". It triggered a memory of the "Sherbet Fountain", which, if Art will put down his bowl of coal -
The original version |
As you can see, it's a simple paper tube, which was stuffed full of sherbet. I say "sherbet" because it was undoubtedly a horrid chemical concoction full of chemical additives. Sticking out of the top was a tube of liquorice, from which you sucked the sherbet out of the tube, after having bitten the top off. When the sherbet ran out, you ate the liquorice, and then went into a diabetic coma/sugar-fuelled frenzy. One of the two.
Of course it has been 'modernised', with a repellently uniform appearance and a plastic exterior. Art?
Designed by the Daleks, obviously. |
Why mess with perfection? <heavy sigh>
I Went And Did A Thing
Whether it turns out to be silly or not - well, we shall see. Don't worry, it doesn't involve sending a squadron of B52s off to start the Third Unpleasantness.
No, it involves Ian McCullom of the "Forgotten Weapons" channel on Youtube. If you haven't seen it then the common epithet 'Gun Jesus' that viewers use will give you an idea of Ian's appearance. In fact - Art?
Gun Jesus? or ESCAPED ROYALIST OFFICER! Only you can tell! |
Ian always presents a polite and respectful demeanour, and has been at pains never to mention nor get involved in politics, whatever his own opinions are. He may in reality be a foul-mouthed extremist Republican yet he never brings it to the table.
So, someone has started a petition to get Ian a cameo on the next "John Wick" film. Art?
The JW film franchise does not take the usual Hollywood liberties with guns, which is why Ian would be perfect for a cameo appearance as an armourer or gunsmith.
Watch this space!
And with that, we are done, and have reached the Compositional Ton. Hooray!
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