Here I expect I'm going to have to lay out the background for you, before we reach the meat of the matter <sighs in martyred fashion>.
Ol' Hermie was a physicist by education and trade, who worked with and rubbed shoulders also with some of the big names in the South Canadian nuclear weapons programs; people like Edward Teller (he of the sinister Mittel European accent) and Hans Bethe. Art?
The splendidly-hirsute Hermie |
One theoretical solution was to connect a nation's nuclear arsenal to a central computing device that acted as a "Doomsday Machine": said machine would monitor the external environment and, if the Bad Guys tried anything smart, Whoosh - every silo gets emptied. End of life in Northern Hemisphere, Hom. Sap. placed in peril of extinction, nuclear autumn, no more Werner's Butterscotch Toffees, that sort of thing.
HOWEVER! as Ol' Hermie himself pointed out, Hom. Sap. would never be daft enough to actually construct such a mechanism nor put it into operation, since it takes ultimate control out of the hands of
No, I'm not going to enlarge it, due to cleavage issues |
Film-makers have made several productions which imagine that such a weapon has been constructed, notably "Doctor Strangelove" (Ol' Hermie apparently being one of the inspirations for the character) and the "Terminator" franchise, in which nothing ends well.
Also, "Wargames" in the classic 1983 iteration (which Ol' Hermie might have seen before he coughed it), where the beast in question is "W.O.P.R."
Let us now change course abruptly and whiz on over to Youtube and the highly entertaining channel "Experts React", specifically the one featuring Kristin Lennox, an AI specialist. The notion is that an expert views films or television episodes in their own field, and react to judge how realistic or not they are. Art?
The good Doctor. Yes, she is a woman. Ten out of ten for noticing that. |
Going rather beyond that concept, she rates the film's treatment of AI as "A+", because here is an AI attempting to solve a problem - winning a global thermonuclear war - by entirely logical means, and doing it with the least amount of damage to South Canada as possible. In doing this it is merely executing it's program, diligently but without any hostility, which is great! As long as you're not a glowing radioactive cinder afterwards. If you are a glowing radioactive cinder, blame the programmers for being sloppy with their algorithms.*
Like this one. I mean - come on, just look at it! |
Having To Have A Holiday
I have alluded to this a few times on Facebook, so in the interests of padding things out a bit/keeping you in the loop/boring the few remaining readers (delete where applicable), I shall explicate.
There I was mid-Tuesday afternoon, hammering away on the keyboard and generally administering the heck out of endless e-mails, when Tom, Head Honcho, showed up at my elbow.
"Rob,"** he quoth. "You've got ten days leave left to take, and there are only eight days left until the end of the leave year."
![]() |
Conrad on leave a few years back |
"You'll have to take leave as of tomorrow and not come back until March 11th," instructed Tom.
So I have done.
Suprise holidays: the best kind.
Your Humble Scribe looking happy and relaxed. |
"The Umbrella Academy" - A Netflix Original
Just so you don't confuse it with the comic book. Conrad was aware of the comic as Darling Daughter bought it whilst she was in her "I love My Chemical Romance" period, since Gerard Way of that very same band wrote the comic. And that was just about that, since she took it with her when flying the nest. Normally it was the other way round; I bought the trade paperback and she read them after me. Art?
No sign of rain |
This was resolved later, to my satisfaction. I still get props for noticing the absence, right?
Numbers 1 to 7, apart from Number 6. Number 6 is not merely a number, he is a fre - Oops! Wrong series. |
I see our Great British Weather is back to normal, being overcast, damp and rather chilly, which is a refreshing change from all that horrid sunshine and blue skies. Expect more of this normal weather until September, when our Great British Summer, all four days of it, will be spread randomly around the month.
What we have to look forward to |
"Remind me again, why did we invade this island?"
* This will make you feel so much better.
** My common-or-garden name
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