For Lo! there are those unfortunates out yonder who do not dwell within the boundaries of this scep - excuse me, This Sceptred Isle.*
"Tuck" is our local argot for "Food", usually of the snack or convenience variety, and a "Tuck Shop" is a commercial entity, frequently informal in nature, that vends said edible commodities.
Let us now relocate to the Dark Tower, that forbidding vertical edifice wherein I ply my trade -
- I say, do you think I've been overdoing it with the Dickens novels? I seem to be coming out all formal and shizzle. Art?
Watch it loom: the Tower of DOOM!** |
This sounds fairly straightforward, right?
How wrong you are.
CJ and Frances, my fellow-workers on the 17th Floor, decided to follow in the footsteps of the late lamented Gary (Our Mighty Leader) and set up a Tuck Shop of their own, with the difference that they would retail a far larger selection of goods than Gary ever dreamed of.
And they did. Their wares now cover the tops of two cabinets, with Post-it notes detailing prices for items, and a stern advisory of "No I.O.U.'s" as this is something the Official Tuck Shop suffers from.
Like this but much, much bigger. |
Enter Annette, yet another colleague taking part in this hideously politicised retail drama. She was after plain salted crisps, and there weren't any, as the Unofficial Tuck Shop had run out.
Starch fried in fat and coated in salt - what's not to like! |
Annette, not a lady to be trifled with at the best of times, waxed wrathful. It's a good job there were no colleagues within reach of sharp things sitting alongside her, or they'd have been sliced and diced. No, steam wasn't coming out of her ears: flames were.
The upshot is that Annette has now established her own Splinter Unofficial Tuck Shop, which principally retails ready salted crisps, so that she is never denied this most basic of staple foodstuffs.
CJ and Frances, meanwhile, look upon your modest artisan's provision of free cake with a great deal of suspicion and dislike, as it is competing with their entrepreneurial activities. I have to keep an eye open when going downstairs, ensure I don't leave drinks unattended, and only eat food I've prepa - no, hang on, that was from "The Thing", wasn't it? Sorry, do carry on.
"A net was fished-in" |
Okay, time to put the motley on a tricycle and tow it across the assault course behind a Challenger tank!
"Thanks for the shout-out, Conrad - what the - BEHIND YOU!" |
<ahem> word that popped into my head this morning, even as I surfaced from sleep. At first I wondered if it referred to a variety of sweet, before I realised that the sweet was "Divinity" - I think, it's been a while since I went perusing sweet recipes THANK YOU SO MUCH DIABETES - so what on earth could "Dimity" be?
Since my trusty Collins Concise was to hand, I found out that it's a type of fabric.
By default it is white, has a corded structure, and is nowadays made of cotton; it tends to be used for linen or curtains. Now, since your humble scribe has absolutely no interest in either fashion or fabrics, the question stands as to - why oh why did it pop up in my brain?
Answers on a postcard please.
I Was Right (As Always)
Although the cynics amongst you will be conjecturing that, since I type all this scrivel, I would only ever post items when I am incontrovertibly right, correct and have the answer. True enough. Once again, whose blog is it?
<there will now be a short break as I get some toast and coffee ready>
Behold Divinity!
No theological jokes, please |
Ah me. More bleating about the Cryptic Crosswords and the clue for this one had something about an Italian city, which, given crossword clues, might very well not be an Italian city. Tampa, perhaps? All I had was the letter "T". I can't be more specific as I've already binned the paper. But the pain lingers on.
So, Torino the answer. Pardon me for not being a walking atlas on the metropolii of the Italian peninsula.
Tampa. NO! - sorry, Torino. Torino. |
Because we need a short filler article, say hello to my whacking enormous friend, HMS "Dreadnought". Art?
Thus |
Sic |
And with that, we are done.
* Conrad sheds a tear for you.
** Actually more shopping than Doom.
*** Ahura-Mazda
^ Led Zeppelin reference for you there.
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