- because I wanted to introduce the torpedo, and knew what I wanted to end up saying, which was "Consider Torpedoes". I thought of beginning with "Consider Phlebas", which I dredged up from the depths of my memory - aren't I clever! - except this turns out to be a novel by Iain Banks, and there would be angry Banks fans clamouring for my head due to clickbait titles etcetera etcetera. Mr. Banks being a big name in space opera, you understand.*
Looking pretty smug there, Mister Banks. |
Art! You seething pillock! <gags> |
Here an aside. Both "Consider Phlebas" and "Consider Her Ways" are quotes, from T.S. Eliot's "The Wasteland" and Proverbs, Chapter 6 Line 6. I wouldn't have known that, as I detest poetry almost as much as musicals, and have never read the Bible from cover to cover.
JW's famous baby. |
Michael Stipe I hate you. |
Consider the torpedo.
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Damn. The torpedoes.** |
By which I mean the self-propelled self-contained underwater explosive-warhead device, and not a bunch of fish.
The current iteration of the torpedo has a curious start. It was invented by a Briton (of course! - naval maliciousness is in our
Out of it's element, the poor thing. |
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Not a good day for some. |
There you go, an introduction to the introduction of the torpedo. There is more, which we'll come back to. Don't want to overwhelm you!
How very tasteless. |
Because I Am Thorough
Okay, okay, and a bit of an anorak, I pulled my copy of "Jane's Fighting Ships of World War 1" off the shelves, to check out details about MTBs - Motor Torpedo Boats - in the service of Perfidious Albion, as well as a few details on the Dreadnought-type battleships. Hence those mass measurements above; I didn't just pull them out of thin air, nor wet water.
An MTB |
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HMS Dreadnought, being all dreadless. |
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Thus |
What Is A "Barguest"?
Yes, another of those words that pop up in my head at random. Hey, what can I say, my mind is a wild and crazy place at the best of times and even I don't know quite how it works, just that it does.^
Okay, a Barguest is a supernatural hound of uncanny proportions, that is, it's freaking huge, and you can distinguish it from other big black hounds by virtue of it's glowing red eyes.
Need some eyewash? |
"Hey, mate, what happened to 'Innocent until found guilty?' " |
* I doubt it would get as far as the ICC, but why take the chance?
** South Canadian Civil War reference there. Heh.
*** It probably wont. I like to give you hope, though.
^ Mostly.
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