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Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Truth Anti-Social -

If You Finish That With "Behaviour Order"

Then that shows how vintage you are, since the ASBO went out of business in 2014.  No, what we are talking about here is but one step removed from Harry Helmet Hair, the grifting gift to bloggers looking for content.  Art!

Harry Helmet Hair according to AI art generator

     "Donald Trump with a helmet made of ginger hair" was the prompt.  That one in the middle looks like he's been knocking back oestrogen cocktails.
     Forsooth! we are going to be taking a closer look at the sole asset that "Trump Media & Technology Group" has, that being "Truth Social".  Rather incredibly, the stock price has gone up substantially again, which is evidence of how honest we are here at BOOJUM! since I could have kept from mentioning it.  Art!

     First off, an investment company called ARC Global sued TMTG earlier this year, claiming that they'd been short-changed when it came to being issued stock in the business.  In September a judge ruled that they were in the right, and 800,000 shares were issued to them from what is termed 'Common Stock', which seems to be a fund of same held securely in 'escrow' for situations such as this.
     Not a propitious start for the public trading of shares, is it?

     Well, it gets worse.  It can always get worse.  Art!

Devin Nunes, looking frankly creepy

     This character is Devin Nunes, who is the current Chief Executive Officer of TMTG.  South Canadian companies have a rank of what people call "C-Suite" positions, such as the CEO, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Technology Officer and so on.  Above them will be a Board Of Directors to oversee them.

     Devin's past history consists of gaining agricultural qualifications - proper graduate degree qualifications before you start snickering about rakes and hoes - farming and being a South Canadian politician.

     None of this exactly befits him to run a business based on technology and communications.  He may have alternative skills, and I believe he is able to tongue a shoe to a very high shine. He and the CFO sold $2.5 million worth of stock at the end of August, so perhaps he knows more than the rest of us?  Art!


     Well well well, it seems that things behind the scenes at TS are not at all rosy.

  In fact, staff have been making whistle-blower complaints about Nunes; that he misused funds, including a mysterious trip to North Macedonia with no apparent reason apart from it's a nice tourist destination, hiring foreign contractors when there were perfectly functional South Canadian contractors, and interfering with product development.  Yeah right Devin, as you have extensive experience of and qualifications in software engineering.  Art!


     Just thought I'd throw in a shot of the 'Castle Romeo' test detonation at Bikini Atoll, because endless numbers can be dull, dull, dull.

     ANYWAY what transpired from this complaint?  Why, a lawyer was hired, who carried out a series of investigations, and then TS began to fire people - the ones who'd raised the issue in the first place.  Ooopsie.

     First to go was the Chief Operating Officer Andrew Northwall, a title I've not seen before.  He posted that old cliché " - spending more time with my family" as a reason/excuse/bare-face lie <delete where applicable>.  Chief Product Officer Sandro Moraes was also fired, as were the HR Director and a Product Designer.  All four had to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement in order to get a severance payment.  Because TS has nothing to hide.

     Except it may very well have, because this process seems awfully like 'Retaliation', where a business ILLEGALLY takes its anger out on employees.  Whilst employees may not wish to take action, this is the kind of behaviour that a State Labour Board narrows it's eyes at, and begins to sniff around.  Art!

     Because it can always get worse.  You see, TS is what's known as a 'meme-stock' where the valuation is about 1,000 greater than it ought to be, where an individual share is really worth ¢0.021 or $0.00021.  In Q2 this year it reported revenue of $836,000 versus a loss of $16 million.

     Thus, they are very, very short of funds.  Which means they are desperate and will accept ANY advertiser, even the dodgy ones.  Perhaps especially the dodgy ones.  This means the platform's remaining users are now being ripped off by crypto and female companion scams.  One user complained he'd lost $500,000 to a crypto scam.  Another came to TS to complain about being ripped off elsewhere to the tune of $170,000; a helpful fellow Truther offered to help get it back, charged $2,000 and was never seen again.  Art!

     One 71-year old confessed he'd been ripped-off to the tune of $21,000 whilst involved in an on-line relationship with 'a beautiful woman', who turned out to never have existed as she vanished with his money.

     "I haven't told the wife yet," he ended.  Will end.

More Of Alchemy

Whilst perusing "Alchemy" in my "Brewer's Dictionary Of Phrase And Fable" I did stick my head down the rabbit hole a little, enough to come up with a compound I'd never heard of before: "Promethean Unguent".  Art!

You'll see

     Why this novel?  Bear with me.  PU was a balm made from a herb that the blood of Prometheus had fallen upon.  Ol' Prommy, you'll recall, was the Titan sentenced to have his liver perpetually torn out by an eagle during the daytime, which regenerated at night.  So, there might be a few hectares of bloodied herbs thereabout if y

     ANYWAY if one was anointed with this liquid, it rendered one proof against all weapons, thus rendering you invulnerable.

     Now, in 'Lord Of Light' there is a secondary character whose name escapes me.  He's an assassin, which one of the lead characters discovers when the fellow falls into her hands during a debilitating illness.  He has been given the once-over with the 'Death Bath', which diminishes tactile sensitivity a bit, but which renders the skin thus treated as inviolable.  I thought it interesting that a Greek myth had echoes in a work inspired by Hindu mythology.  Art!

"It was delicious at first," said Mr. Eagle.  "But after a decade it tends to pall."


No, this is not the end-of-blog sting in the tail.  What I refer to here is finally completing Robert Longerich's magnum opus "Heinrich Himmler", which I started waaay back on 02/08/2024.  Art!

     It's 1,031 pages long, of which 748 are the actual biography, with the rest being Endnotes and Index.  Given the unpleasant nature of the subject matter, which really becomes appalling when the Second Unpleasantness kicks off, Your Humble Scribe treated it as homework, reading never less than 20 pages per day, and that attitude has gotten me through it.

     Having read it once, and commented on BOOJUM! about it, this volume is either going to Colin or a charity shop.  I can recommend it if you want a scholarly biography and you have strong nerves.

Give It Another Five Minutes

Since we here in the Pond Of Eden are considerably more rational and sensible than our Trans-Atlantic Cousins, you may not be aware of the utter guff being spouted by folks over there about Hurricane Helene.  A lot of them are regurgitating Ruffian propaganda points and others are proving that it's much better to keep your mouth shut and have people merely think you're stupid, than to open it and remove all doubt.  Art!

     - annnnnd over here in the Blue corner we have Marjorie Taylor Greene, whom Conrad has graced with the unlovely nickname "Bloaty McBloatface", a woman so ignorant and offensive that she makes trailer-trash look classy.  Art!

     O Marj?  Reality called.  It wants you back.  How long until she posts that the Dems and the Jews and the lesbians and the Haitians are all conspiring to direct Hurricane Milton at Mar-a-Largo?

     As I said, five minutes and counting .....

Oooh!  Oooh!  I Remember This When It Came Out!

The BBC put up a sidebar item about "Threads", which was a characteristically downbeat British take on nuclear Armageddon, dealing with the lead up to and aftermath (for 13 years!) of a Sinister nuclear strike on Sheffield.  Art!

     It did get the 'nuclear winter' bit wrong, but it was all the rage back then and we have better data about it now.  It hasn't often been shown because it is a frank, realistic and unremittingly grim vision of what could happen.

     Happy Trails!

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