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Sunday 25 June 2023

The Sunday Stew

No! Not The Sort Of Stew That One Eats

Yes, this is a different font, 'Antic Slab', just for shizzles and gizzles.

     I mean this post is a kind of mish-mash of content from the blog over it's ten-year lifespan.  I began it when working at the Co-Op in Old Bank Building, the creaky yet charming Victorian slum that had character but no air-conditioning. 

     And here we are.  Okay, let me prod Art into wakefulness with this Japanese bamboo sushi skewer -

     Obviously, she prefers them to bread as she is doubtless dieting, in what must be the very definition of a <ahem> 'cheesy' book cover.  Conrad didn't notice the blurb at the bottom of the cover: "She was his property; to keep, to beat, to use'  Hmmm not remotely PC in any way, must date from the Fifties when women were treated as chattels and a good bad thing too.  I have to say that her husband doesn't appear to be a man of means, as she's not wearing any shoes, which could be a very bad thing on wooden floors like that.  Splinters, doncha know.

     ANYWAY this was only supposed to be a short blurb before the links, not a chapter in 'War And Peace'.


BOOJUM!: A Dream Of -Sex (


BOOJUM!: A Little Spring Can Be A Dangerous Thing (


BOOJUM!: Deep Purple (


BOOJUM!: You're In For It Now! (


BOOJUM!: It's A Blast (


BOOJUM!: When Did You Stop Plotting World Domination? (

BOOJUM!: You Want Bad? (

(This is a horrifying glimpse of what things will look like when I take over)


BOOJUM!: Remainder Reminder Kinder (


BOOJUM!: Napoo! (


BOOJUM!: None Of These Things - (


BOOJUM!: 22 Light Years Away ... (

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