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Wednesday 23 October 2019

If I Were To Say "Camal"

You Would Frown And Tut And Shake Your Head -
But you wouldn't dare make a crack about a mis-spelling, not after all the times I've yarked at high volume about how Conrad DOES NOT MAKE SPELLING MISTAKES.
     The same goes for this title.  You might be forgiven for thinking that this is how you pronounce the surname of Alex, the pilot of the torpedo gunship 'Rocinante' from "The Expanse".  Art?
Image result for alex kamal
Mister Kamal looking a tad wary
     Reasonable enough, especially since I am now trawling through Season Two.
     Reasonable, yet WRONG!  Nor is it a variant of "Canal" - you're still thinking of Alex the Martian, aren't you, nor yet "Camel".
     I refer to another of the odd artefacts dug up by David Lister for his work "Forgotten Tanks and Guns of the 20s, 30s and 40s", and he's certainly right about the "Forgotten" bit here.  I did a bit of Googling about this weapon and the only mentions are from his blog a few years back, and a firm of architects, then the results all switch to stuff about the proggie OAPs Camel.
Image result for camel band
What we're not talking about
     Let me introduce you to the Cambridge Camal, which name comes from a portmanteau version of "Cambridge" and "Aluminium".  Art?

     This was a lightweight (this is where the aluminium comes in) infantry weapon intended to be used against tanks and other infantry; it was readily portable, accurate and effective, but the prototype only came about shortly before the Second Unpleasantness ended, and it never got beyond the model above.  Clearly Listy has been digging around in some very obscure paper files, because 1) I'd never heard of this thing before and 2) It exists nowhere on teh interwebz but as an entry on his blog.

     That above a link to his site.  He's been at this blog business far longer than I, though he doesn't post as often as I do.  Worth checking-out if you have any interest in things that go BLAM.
     The motley has fallen asleep after gorging on a tub of ice-cream it found at the back of the freezer - the whole tub! - so I'm going to let it sleep until it wakes up with an ice-cream headache, at which I shall point and laugh.
Motley's-eye view of Conrad's mocking smile
Hear Here
I am assuming you purulent popinjays are familiar with the 'Mondegreen"?  Because Your Humble Scribe was - what's that?  You're not?
     <mutters dark imprecations> Okay, this is where people commonly mishear music lyrics and attribute a wholly erroneous interpretation to them; coming from someone (I forget who and can't be bothered to check*) hearing " - laid him on the green -" and mis-hearing it as the person "Lady Mondegreen".

Image result for lady mondegreen
     For the past few weeks I have been listening non-stop to all the Death Cab For Cutie CDs I have, and not particularly bothering to pay attention to track titles or boring guff like that.  Thus, one song's catchy if downbeat piano theme is accompanied by - what?  picture?  Image result for death cab for cutie
You want a picture?
      DCFC - a rather hirsute lot, you'll agree.
     Anyway, if we can continue? There was a song that rather went on about a sixteen year old embarrassing themselves by getting stumbling drunk, not caring about it, generally misbehaving, ah the folly of youth, eh?
     Except I did finally look up the title track and it's - waitforitwaitforit - "60 And Punk", which rather stopped me in my tracks, as it inverts the whole concept I had dreamt up for it.

Didn't Think It Would Happen
<sigh> well, for good or ill I am now part of a family subscription to Spotify, which I last used in it's free iteration years ago; years and years ago, really, back when the free iteration gradually narrowed the freedom, until you could only play <Mister Hand intervenes to avoid a rant of considerable length and intensity> your firstborn!
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The villain of the piece
     So last night I was building a playlist from scratch, and we now have the beginnings of a thing, featuring those awesome Danish electro-poppers Carpark North.  You won't ever have heard of them, but of course I have since I am cool and trendy**.    Next up - The Plastic People Of The Universe followed by The Far East Family Band! and endless obscure bands you've never heard of before.  Like Seventh Wave, who were an excellent prog rock act who never ....
Conrad Is Unsure About This -
You may be aware of an obscure cult film called "Aliens" that came out decades ago, which Your Humble Scribe saw at the pictures, and enjoyed. 
     The thing is, this film is classified as an "R" film, which means it has a high tut factor, and is generally unsuitable for children, unless you are a slack parent or enjoy seeing your offspring quiver with fear***.
     So, then -
Image result for lego aliens
What have I stumbled into?
     Really?  Is there another diorama kit where there are figures with dismembered limbs or eviscerated insides, and the interiors have lots of red applique tiles standing in for blood?  I think -
Image result for r j macready flamethrower
"Hi!  Need a hand getting rid of pesky aliens?"
     <sigh> no, Mac, no - no additional help needed.  Make sure to keep the safety on that thing firmly in the "Secured" position.  There's a bonfire party down the road that could benefit from - ah, that's got rid of him.
     Nice guy, Mac, but a bit intense.

Finally -
Confirmation, as if it were needed, that Conrad is a horrible person, and definitely the kind of man who would deliberately drive through a huge kerb-side puddle in order to drench passers-by, after which he would twirl his moustache ends a la a Victorian Vaudeville Villain, and cackle.
     Anyway, what I really wanted to crow about was the BBC releasing the "Have Your Say" function on their football pages, because I've been pining for a delicious and sustained flood of barely-SFW invective since the summer.
Image result for evil footballer
A completely unedited shot from real-life, honest**.

*  Lazy but candid, that's me.
**  This is a colossal lie! <the truth courtesy Mister Hand>
*** Especially after the cinema showing if you then jump out at them from darkened rooms!  ha ha!

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