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Friday 6 July 2018

From Clangers -

 - To Gangbangers
At least, I think that's the word I'm looking for.  You know, gangs of unseemly, unsavoury folk who let off guns at the slightest opportunity - going 'bang', you might say.  I dare not Google, lest there might be other interpretations of this word, and we here at BOOJUM! do so want to stay SFW.
     I have, of late, been going on about the Clangers, those denizens of a small moon somewhere in the Asteroid Belt, who tootle away in music-speak, and who share their demesne with a Soup Dragon and an Iron Chicken.  Art?
Image result for clangers
No!  Not real extra-terrestrials

     Here an aside.  I have also, of late, been banging on about the RAF during the Second Unpleasantness, where they developed their own brand of slang.  This includes the spine-chilling phrase for "I have made a mess of things", which in the argot of the Brylcreem Boys, became "I have dropped a bit of a clanger".  The idea of killing and mutilating one of these harmless alien creatures is quite beyond the pale, even for a flinty-hearted old git like Conrad.
Image result for dead clanger
Nightmare fuel!
     Anyway, back to - actually, what was I talking about?
     Oh yes.  We occasionally link to the weird and colourful pages of 'Jim'll Paint It', where the titular Jim will paint pictures from suggestions sent in to him by his faithful audience.  It has to be said his audience is - well, pretty strange.  As evidence -
     Hence today's title.  I shall post a link to Jim's website, as he might see this and sue me for millions.

Conrad assumed that WTC are a bunch of rappers, which is quite as far as he cares to go, since your modest artisan detests rap music.  To make a rap 'song' I understand you 1) Nick someone else's music  2) Spout some doggerel over it that is liberally larded with "crack", "Uzi" and "Hoe" and 3) Wait to get rich.
Image result for garden hoes
Rap and gardening.  Who knew!
     Right, time to sneak an air raid siren into the motley's bedroom whilst it is fast asleep and - CRANK THAT SUCKER UP!
     Okay, the ambulance is on it's way.  I didn't realise the motley had eardrums to rupture.  Well, we'll know next time.

I am afraid that, once again, I am making mention of "Forbidden Planet", because of the description Morbius gives of himself to the United Planet's cruiser crew: a Philologist.
     Of course, Conrad could not simply leave the matter there.  O no. Not at all.  Art?
Image result for altaira forbidden planet
That, Art, is not Doctor Morbius.  But we'll let it stand.
     "Philology" as the science itself comes from the Greek "Philogia" - "Love of learning", which is a bit broad.  Philology itself can be defined as studying the structure and development of languages in both written and oral form.  In other words, BOOJUM! does a bit of philology every now and then.*     This of course begs the question: why did the 'Bellerophon' expedition to Altair IV include a philologist?  Surely a geologist or botanist or biologist would be a more logical choice?  After all, there was absolutely nothing present on the planet's surface to suggest that an alien superculture once dwelt there, so any kind of earlier satellite surveillance would have given nothing away.
     Of course, I may be over-thinking this ...
Conrad: suspicion flows in his veins
(as well as nitromethane and lava)
This Will Please Dave Kerry
Dave, an ex-colleague, is what we know in this country as a Professional Yorkshireman.  That is to say, he never fails to sings the praises of his county, which Conrad admits does have better weather than Lancashire, which sits on the wet side of the Pennines.
Image result for nine pens
Nine pens.  Close enough.

     I believe Dave is trying to extract (or perhaps, 'extort') some money from the makers of "Game of Thrones", on the grounds that it draws for it's inspiration on the Wars of the Roses, which featured Lancashire and Yorkshire bashing the stuffing out of each other.  The fact that this conflict occurred 531 years ago is, according to Dave, a minor technical issue.  Anyway - Art?

     It is believed this crow is a pet that has escaped, which explains it's grasp of contemporary English.  Or, as Dave will probably have it, it's a Yorkshire crow, which makes it especially clever.  I dare say you want to hear the speech in question -

A Quartet Of Quease
Last encounter with Darling Daughter and Quiet Tom was during our outing to Mi & Pho, where they brought me up to speed on a horror film night they'd attended in a Stockport theatre, one done up specially for the occasion.
     The films were:  Xtro (which I've seen); Creepshow (seen also); The Thing 1982 version (seen numberless times and originally at the cinema); Friday the 13th Part 3 (unseen and don't feel my life is the poorer for it).  Art?
Image result for xtro filmImage result for creepshowImage result for friday the 13th part 3
     And "The Thing" gets one picture all on it's own because it's special -
Image result for the thing 1982
World's scariest documentary
     If you haven't already spotted the theme, it's that they were all made in 1982.  They definitely run the gamut of quality!
And with that I think it's time to welcome the motley back from hospital - WITH A 21 GUN SALUTE!


Finally -

This will discommode the single fan who has already gone over the previously-written stuff; it was down as Status = Published, though I've come back to work on it a little longer, as a thought popped into my head.  Art?
Image result for sangars

     These are indeed sangars, which are improvised fortifications built from the ground up rather than being excavated downwards; typically used in mountainous or rocky terrain when you don't have a handy battalion of engineers around to help you.
     This will all make sense on Facebook!

*  Lucky you.

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