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Sunday 29 July 2018

A Cat And A Donkey

Sounds Like A Song Title, Doesn't It?
What's that one by The Human League - "A Crow And A Baby".  Yeah, except it's not.  
     It's nothing to do with songs or bands, or viral Youtube clips, and you'll have to read on to find out what it is about, because - I'm horrid that way.
     Here's another song title for you (and a television series, too, apparently): "Life On Mars" by David Bowie, who was actually quite relevant despite being Oooold.  Art?
Image result for david bowie life on mars
You've got summat on yer head, mate
     Yes, this is about the discovery of water on Mars.  Subsurface radar returns give a picture of an under-ice lake some 12 miles across and a yard deep,* under the Southern ice-cap of Mars.  
     This is telling stuff.  We don't yet know what the make-up of this water is, since it could well be a toxic soup of chemicals, but the presence of liquid water is taken as a pre-requisite for the development of life by astro-biologists.  So - Step One has been taken.  It's been known for a long time that there used to be water on the Red Planet, and now we know it's still present.  Art?
Image result for mars
Mars, with snowcaps
     That's one thing.  The other is, if the water turns out to be sterile, it can be used by the Manned Mars Mission; filtered and distilled as drinking water, and electrolysed into hydrogen (burnt for power) and oxygen (for, you know, breathing).

     That there's the link.  What your humble scribe also found interesting was the breakdown of comments in the Have Your Say section.  Quite a few were appreciative and rhapsodic, there were lots of David Bowie jokes, and - as ever - a large number of swivel-eyed loonwaffles who seemed to think that spending money on space exploration was Eeeevil, but who are fine with the sums squandered spent on Premier League football or programmes like 'Love Island',* *neither of which will help Hom. Sap. survive. 
Image result for mars attacks
Mind you, nor will this
     Right!  Time to heat up the tank of molten glass and see how fast the motley can sprint across it!

Interesting - But Still WRONG!
I am working my way through E.E. Smith's first novel in the Lensman series, and I'm - what's that?  Oh, right, sorry, you're absolutely right, he does get a bit tetchy if you leave that out - E.E. 'Doc' Smith - not going to bother warning about spoilers because it's been around for 70 years.
Image result for triplanetary
Amazing Stories, rubbish artwork
     In this expanded novel, Doc describes how a set of prehistoric civilisations, which include Atlantis, destroy themselves utterly with nuclear warfare, having reached a level of technology circa 1960.  He rather slyly doesn't date these cultures, nor when they fall, but believe me, any trace of nuclear warfare on a global scale would still be detectable in the present day.  After all, the Trinity test site's radioactivity for the first atomic detonation is still ten times higher than the background count, after 70 years.  Not to mention fallout, and blast patterns, etcetera etcetera.
     But, still a good read!
Image result for gadget atomic bomb
The Gadget that made the colossal crack

Okay, Okay, I Shall Relent
As mentioned earlier this week, I went to have a coffee with the lovely Anna, and let's see if I can trawl up a rather more flattering image than the previous one - Art?  Work hard!
     Sadly none available.  Oh well, imagine someone wonderful inside and outside and you're there.
     As proof of the wonderful-inside bit, whilst she was off in Cyprus attending a wedding, she bought me a pair of bookmarks, as she mentioned "I know you like books".***  Art?
      Now you see where today's title comes from.  A long journey to get here, yet so very worth it.

Dammit, the rain has stopped and I can see blue skies!  Any moment now that swining sun will put in an appearance <annoyed face>.

Finally -
Because I want to post this and get some lunch - hey even camouflaged alien spies need to eat - I shall end with an entry from Ambrose Bierce's 'Englarged Devil's Dictionary'.  In case you are new here, or don't hail from the shores of South Canada (he came from there), this was originally called 'The Cynic's Word Book', which is accurate if a little dull.  Here we go:

     "Bachelor (n):  A man whom women are still sampling"

Image result for bachelor boy
Archetypical example

Image result for larkImage result for lark

     This will make sense on Facebook.  Honest.

*  None of that metric nonsense here.
**  I've no idea what this is, since I've never watched it and never intend to, but it sounded appropriate.
***  Accurate, and a bit of an understatement.

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