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Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Hadley's Hope

Nope Nope Nope!

Conrad knows what you're thinking, and he is not referring to the doomed township established by the <booh hiss!> Weyland-Yutani Corporation (and the Extrasolar Colonisation Administration) on the asteroid LV-426.  The settlement amounted to only 158 souls at peak, and even if it's not what we're on about here, it nevertheless allows Conrad to inveigle in a picture to bait the passers-by.  Art!

The Hope in daylight, absent monsters

"The Colonial Marines heard there was a free bar"

     For Lo! we are back on the track of Colonel Goffe, one of the two surviving regicides who had taken refuge in Hadley, a small colony in New England, located in the wilds beyond New Haven.  This may be where the idea for Had's Hope came from: a small isolated settlement a long way from civilisation.  Goffe's friend and father-in-law, Colonel Whalley, died in 1675 after being ill for a long time.  Later that summer, Hadley experienced a large-scale attack from the Nipmug and Quanbang tribes, who descended upon the town with considerable fire and fury -

     Only to be repelled by a stout defence led by an elderly man of martial bearing, who  helped organise the resistance in an orderly and military manner, and who vanished after the crisis was over.  Art!

Goffe sees 'em off!

     Possibly suffering from Bird In An Iron Cage syndrome, Goffe left Hadley in 1676, having informed the splendidly-named Increase Mather in Boston that he was going abroad in the world again.  The other inhabitants of Hadley knew nothing - OR SO THEY SAID - about Goffe's presence there until the head of the township, John Russell, died in 1692.  Art!

     One interesting aside is that Gee and Wee were able to build up a tidy business enterprise, using one Daniel Gookin as a front and intermediary.  They had signed over their cattle to him when they first went on the run, and Ol' Dan, being a Puritan sympathiser with absolutely no love of the English crown, was happy to help them.  In fact he openly defied the Crown's demand that he turn over his cattle, and being that he was at the end of a twenty-week round trip for any legal correspondence on the matter, the Crown quietly let the matter drop.  Lawyer's fees being what they are, one supposes.

         After 1676 Goffe's trail is hard to follow.  He was seen publicly in Hartford in Connecticut in 1678, and his reputation and standing meant he was still recognised and "narrowly avoided arrest", as the authorities probably lied to any Royalists taking an interest.  His last letter to his wife, with whom he kept up a continual if sporadic correspondence, was dated April 1679, so presumably after this date.  We qualify that statement because Ol' Goggy had the last laugh over Charles Two; nobody knows when or where he died or where his body is buried.  Art!

     I have sampled the ales in this hostelry a few times, for your information.  It's a jolly picturesque pub, if rather cramped inside.  Why is it here?  Because Sir Walter Scott used elements of the, possibly apocryphal tale of Goffe in his novel "Peveril Of The Peak".

     Right, now I can put "The Killers Of The King" on that pile of books now read and due for the charity shops.  You see?  I can give them up if I want to.

Everclear?  Not Here!

Conrad is unsure if this tale from Quora comes under Revenge, Entitled People or Malicious Compliance.  Judge for yourself.

     Original Poster worked in construction, principally concrete, and had been working on an ethanol plant from laying the foundations to finishing touches whilst it began operations.  Art!

Ethanol plant

     One of the on-site supervisors was a little tin Hitlers, where a bit of power gives them Lord High Emperor Of The Universe Syndrome, which they exploited by writing up employees for the most minor of non-infractions.

     Suffice it to say, they were not liked.

     LHEOTU decided to write up OP for not wearing a hard hat whilst operating a 'skid steer'.  I have no idea what one of these is and suspect you don't, either.  Art!

Ah!  A JCBaby.

     Unfortunately for Mister Bottomhole, the Site Superintendent was helping OP by watching his blind spot whilst he wrangled the steering skidder <stop me if I get too technical> and so knew what nonsense was going on.

     In mid-afternoon, the Site Super called OP into his office and asked a loaded question about what OP had seen at lunch?

     OP immediately dropped MBLHEOTU into it by showing him necking a bottle of Everclear at lunch, with a photograph taken on his phone.  Art!

     This is the lowest proof they sell, which means it's three-fifths alcohol.

     Surprise!  Mister Bottomhole was fired on the spot.  Not only that, he was arrested and taken off site in handcuffs -

    - to the cheers of 550 crew and staff.

    Less humourously, he had a Blood-Alcohol Content 6 times over the limit, three hours after lunch, and had been driving a company vehicle in this condition.


A Turning Worm

Gosh, what's this?  More legal shenanigans concerning DJ Tango and the Documents case?  Surely not!

     Well, yes.  Art!

     I am shocked!  Shocked, I tell you!  O no wait a minute no I'm not.

     You see, The Tribble-Topped-Beer-Barrel-In-A-Suit had been paying the legal fees for the coyly-named 'Employee 4' at Mar-A-Largo, retaining of the Trump stable of lawyers to represent him.

     Whilst this was so, Employee 4 maintained that he knew nothing about any tapes, documents, meetings, conspiracies or one-armed men.  Then the prosecution informed him that they had evidence of Employee 3 discussing all the above with him.

     Suddenly!  Yurcil Taveras - none of that anonymity drivel! - got a public defender to represent him, instead of the Trump counsel, and abruptly reversed his testimony, giving chapter and verse on how it had been Don The Con doing all the organising and criming.  Art!


Donald does not react well to perceived disloyalty

     Going in to be formally arrested tomorrow, He Of The Tiny Hands must be looking askance at the other 18 co-conspirators and wondering how many of them are going to flip on him to cut a deal, as with Employee 4?  Because a lot of them simply cannot afford to pay for legal expenses in a case expected to last at least 6 months.  Assume $200 per hour for a middling attorney, who puts in 5 hours a week for a defendant, for the six months.  That's $26,000 straight away.  What if they need two or three attorneys, one of whom is a senior and gets $300 per hour?

     Bring on the wheelie-binful of popcorn!

"City In The Sky"

Forty years after the Big Crash, which is ten years beyond the design life of space station Arcology One, the inhabitants are still there.  Sinister forces are at play, you see ...

Cocking his head, a motion emphasised by his hat, the Doctor leaned forward.  Davros carried on.

     ‘Ironic, eh?  The intent was to return to Earth using any available shuttle facilities, except the Great Northern War prevented that.  Every shuttle site on the planet was hit by nuclear weapons.  If I didn’t know better I’d say it was deliberate.’

     ‘Even sites in the Southern Hemisphere?’ asked the Doctor, now getting more interested and leaning forward: Ace recognised the signs of him scenting trouble.

     ‘Oh yes.  Dedicated shuttle sites, aerospace terminals, major airports, military airfields, completely  gone.  One hundred and sixty eight targets, all hit, some of them twice.  The Human Salvation Project calculated a worse-case scenario in case of a global war, that as many as seventy would be destroyed.  Not all of them!’

     ‘That doesn’t make sense,’ commented Ace.  ‘That means nobody in orbit can get down, including the ones sent up by the people who’d be firing those missiles.’

     Davros nodded in silent agreement.

     ‘Demented, I agree.  Virginia had a couple of crew who were both, er, shall I say “excessively knowledgable” about nuclear weapons and warfighting and they felt certain the destruction was deliberate.  There is only one shuttle-enabled site in the world, in Texas, and it took the Americans five years of non-stop work to prep it.  Nevertheless, that is the situation as it stands.  Ah – well, actually it’s rather worse than that.’

      I know, I know - how can it get any worse?  You'll see.

Still Rubbing It In

No doubt all official media in Ruffia have suffered a collective amnesia about Luna-25, and if one asks the question 'What happ-' large men will suddenly appear and tell you that there never was a Luna-25, and see that open window?

     On the other hand, the Indians are jubilantly celebrating their soft-landing success at the lunar south pole.  Art!

     Well there you go, I never knew it had a rover unit.  No puns about "The Prisoner", please.

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