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Sunday 19 February 2023

A Septic Epic

Get Your Popcorn, This Is A Long One

Another saga from Youtube, this time about entitlement, stupidity and hatefulness.  Original Poster had a sister who was the orchard of her mother's eye, never mind apple, who could do no wrong in mom's eyes but who was called out on her stupid deeds by OP and dad.

     Also, bear in mind the peculiar licensing laws of South Canada that require one to be over 21 in order to purchase alcohol.  OP was 22, Evil Sis (hereafter 'ES') was 18.  Art!

     That's Aspen, Colorado, where the parents went on a week-long holiday, leaving ES in charge of the house with a stricture about no parties.

     She immediately arranged a party and told OP to get the beers in, which OP refused to do.  Cue screaming from ES.  OP informs her, after looking at her Facebook page, that her partygoers are underage, a fact that South Canadian police take a very dim view of.  ES goes ahead with the party, which is predictably raucous and rowdy and probably rambunctious, too.  Guess what?  Art!

     These guys show up.  ES is arrested and promptly blames OP for supplying the alcohol (she'd actually broken into dad's drinks cabinet).  OP is then arrested himself, but does show the party invites on FB to the police.

     Mom and dad - not too happy about it - fly back home and bail both children out.  Dad then finds the broken drinks cabinet and speaks to the cops about it.  Mom, however, wants OP to take the blame, because otherwise her golden child will have her bright future tainted.

     Further, CCTV showed OP never moving his car after getting home from work, he didn't appear on any CCTV footage in off-licences across the county, nor did his bank account show any evidence of alcohol sales.  Ooops.  Art!

Evidence of absence

     So, ES changes her story that OP already had the alcohol and she drove over to pick it up, except this is disproved by the apartment complex CCTV not showing her car ever being present.  Ooops again!

     ES then admits the truth, at which point dear mum goes around to OP's apartment, ordering, begging then threatening that OP take the blame.  "No", he replies in letters ten feet tall.  This twists mom's tail something fierce.  When dad finds out what happened he goes ballistic, has a huge fight with mom and he ends up using the threat of divorce to enforce family counselling.  OP took a list of all the lies ES had told over the years, which forced a grudging apology from mom.  ES kept silent (probably wisest thing to do).  Art!

     ES ended up pleading guilty in court, or she would have done jail time.  There were four years of probation and a whacking big fine that mom had to pay, as dad refused point blank to pay anything.  After college, which her parents paid for, ES moved away to California into a good job that dad arranged, and cut all ties with the family.  This hit mom very hard indeed, as she eventually realised her golden child didn't give a stuff about anyone but herself.  In fact, after dad forced her to see a doctor, ES was diagnosed as having Narcissist Personality Disorder, which is jargon for Being A Self-Centred Bottomhole.

     It's not over yet!  ES, after six years of no contact, came across OP's story on Reddit and predictably exploded with rage, ringing up mom to bitch and whine.  Dear old mom, however, didn't give a hoot and had entirely given up on ES, much to OP's surprise.  She was only bothered that the story made her look like a bad mother - which she was.

     There is even more of this tale, which I won't finish in this Intro as otherwise it would be the whole of today's blog.  If it was a film, nobody would believe it.  Art!

"The War Illustrated"

I've not posted any of these photographs for a while.  Have at it!

     Wavell had been the general in charge of British and Commonwealth forces in Egypt when war commenced, and oversaw the utter rout of Italian forces.  He was unfortunate in that he had to carry out multiple simultaneous campaigns that were widely separated and without sufficient forces, leading to his being replaced.  Art!
     The unglamourous yet essential works of the Royal Corps of Signals, because radio was one of the force-multipliers on the battlefield and in the air.  At upper port you can see the inside of a 'Golden Arrow' mobile signal station used at the front line.  Upper starboard is a radio operator working in Sicily.  Mid-port are cadets being trained, and the last three photos show signallers at work in the field.

Having A Smashing Time

Allow me to broaden your cultural horizons a tad.  Art!

     The chap to port is Jeff Koons, an artist, who is famous - it says here - for his pop art work, including the iconic - I'm just repeating what it says - 'Balloon Dog' sculptures, which appear to be gilded ceramics.

     Well, one curious viewer at an art gallery tried tapping that very same dog in the background, which did not end well.  Art!

     That'll give her paws for thought.  She must have been barking mad, as that's a £42,000 mistake.  At least we get to see what it's made of.

"The Sea Of Sand"

Things are beginning to unravel socially on the bio-vore's Homeworld, as the subtle poison of rebellion begins to spread.  A couple of the governing class have been debating between themselves.

Wait! he shouted silently, catching himself.  I never used to question the aristos like this.  And if a junior ever expressed lack of support for the aristos, then it was automatic punishment for them.

          May the cold and dark take him!  What had thrown his mind so far off-track?  The turmoil and excitement of recent days must have been responsible.

          If so, he wasn’t the only one.  As a Senior, Fosor got access to restricted information in limited circulation.  Today’s statistics bore heavy import:  algae production declined in daily terms by three per cent.  A three per cent fall - unseen for decades.  And Sur wanted to get five hundred per cent from what was only ninety seven per cent at best!

          There was more.  A hundred and fifty Farmers failed to report for work yesterday.  Normally there would be accidents, abscondments, all sorts of eventualities amongst the eighty five thousand Farmers under Sur’s region.  Never so many as a hundred and fifty.  Perhaps that shortfall in algae production could be blamed on missing Farmers?

          Even more worrying, an Overseer and half a dozen Warriors were missing.  They were members of the elite, able to Eviscerate humble Farmers.  So why were they absent?  Where could they have gone?  Bulletins were circulating amongst the other coastal cities, giving descriptions and asking for details if the missing were encountered.

          It was all most, most worrying.

     It will only get worse before it gets better, matey.  Much, much worse.

The Bonkers Mash-Up Continues

You remember, '2001: A Space Odyssey' done in the style of 'Star Wars'.  Art!

     Dave circles round to protect his rear - and to attack.  Art!

     Hah!  Missed!


     Woot woot!

Finally -

Well, time to get posting and toasting, I need pitta bread in order to consume the date-expired dips, and to see what remaindered stock they have at the Co-Op in Lesser Sodom ('Royton' if we're being formal).

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