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Monday 6 July 2020

Bitten By Binky - AGAIN

I Ought To Explain
"Binky" is my dismissive, diminutive nickname for the Coincidence Hydra, because that way I can decrease the impact of having it fasten it's fangs in my behind.  If you want to know how this allegory came to morph from the Coincidence Hammer into a creature out of Greek myth, it's simple: I was getting hit so often that brain damage would have resulted*.
        Vintage Leatherwork and Bookbinding Hammers – Vintage Paper CoVintage Leatherwork and Bookbinding Hammers – Vintage Paper CoVintage Leatherwork and Bookbinding Hammers – Vintage Paper Co
     "What is the witless babbler ranting about now?" I hear you query, and pausing only to say that 58 is NOT old, allow me to explicate.
     If you remember, we were rabbiting on about the Caucasian state last week, and Your Modest Artisan even threw in some Georgian script, which had the amusing effect of baffling Blogger's interpretive software.  What do we find on the font of all that's fit to be writ, more formally known as the BBC's webpage?
     Even Conrad first thought the "Georgia" mentioned here was the South Canadian state, although all those names ending in "-adze" should have tipped him off.
     The story is about how law-abiding the Georgians have been in following coronavirus rules and regulations; none of that nonsense claiming it's all because of 5G or holding protest meetings whilst clutching guns.  Total death toll: 15.  Total death toll in that other Georgia: 2,860.  And before you ask, their total populations are nearly the same.
     I was, at this point, about to lever Binky's fangs out of my nethers, but No!  Binky had other ideas.  Binky's bottom-biting continued.  Art?
Wait, what?
     As you should surely know by now, we here at BOOJUM! have been mercilessly poking hilarious fun at Boho Rap's lyrics for ages, because it's an awfully long song.  
     In fact -

A Little Musical Critique
We are now into the home stretch as regards "Bohemian Rhapsody", and Conrad wonders about the title, since we have Spanish and Italian and Arabic, but not one word of Czech or Slovak to be seen anywhere.
10 Easy Ways to Piss Off a Czech - CitySpy Network // Czech ...
An angry Czech
     "So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?
Consenting adults and all that, Freddie
So you think you can love me and leave me to die?
Ah, I see - this is about getting dumped, isn't it?
Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby
Apparently they can
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right out of here
I quite agree, time to move on
Nothing really matters
What!  You've changed your tune in the space of ten seconds
Anyone can see
Except Matt Murdoch.  Don't forget Matt.
Nothing really matters to me
Yet here we are six minutes later after all your venting.  Really!
Any way the wind blows ..."
If you see Donovan, tell him that it IS possible to catch the wind.
How does the power output of a windmill compare to a wind turbine ...
    Phew!  Well, Simon and Garfunkel are grateful that Freddie et al took the lightning bolt this time.  Don't celebrate too soon, chaps, for this is the blog that never sleeps**!

No!  Not the holiday firm!  Who might even have gone under thanks to Covid-19, and whom Your Humble Scribe cares less than nothing for -
     There we go again, rattling off about what this post isn't about.
     I refer - obviously! - to the comic book series of trade paperbacks.  Let's see if I can find a SFW illustration -
Saga #53 review: Always raising the bar
There we go -
     Let us not be coy here, "Saga" is hotching with sex and swearing, not to mention violence, and is definitely not for minors.  The artwork is consistently excellent - even though it's drawn by a <gasps> girl GIRL.  It was on hiatus for a while, which is why Wiki only mentions up to Volume 8.
     Rather to my surprise, I've been sitting on Volumes 7, 8 and 9 for almost exactly a year, which goes to show how restrained and abstemious I am.
     Volume 9 ends on a heck of a cliff-hanger; I won't spoil it for you in case you want to rush out to the shops and buy the whole set.  I can see a trip to "Travelling Man" is on the cards in the near future ...
Saga | Image Comics
I've  no idea. Ask Fiona, not me

Another Great One Gone
<sad face>  Ennio Morricone has just died at age 91.  You cannot fail to have heard his famous Spaghetti Western themes, which are only a small part of his overall output.  Check out "The Mission" or "The Untouchables" to round out your listening experience a bit more.  Art?
Ennio Morricone and Sergio Leone in 1984
Ennio to port, Sergio Leone to starboard

     The BBC's obituary says that the began composing at the age of 6, so he spent 85 years doing what he loved, which is a good innings by anyone's standards.
     I may Spotify his soundtracks later this evening.

Wait - What?
When Conrad read that Jeff "Skunk" Baxter, ex of Steely Dan and The Doobie Brothers, had a second career later in life as a missile defence advisor, he had to check the calendar to make sure it wasn't April First, and then pinch himself to ensure that he hadn't fallen asleep in his chair again.  Art?
         SHUBB artists: Skunk BaxterAsk Jeff “Skunk” Baxter what his favorite guitar is and he will ...

     The story goes that Jeff's next-door neighbour got him a subscription to "Aviation Week" and Jeff got into missile defence systems, which he had originally studied because of the common ground this technology shared with music equipment.  He presented a suggested adaptation of the Aegis missile system to his Congressman, and Hay Pesto! he gets the missile defence analyst gig.  He's become a big cheese or wheel or even a wheel of cheese in political circles.
Aegis Afloat – Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance
Aegis aloft

     If you have the sneaking feeling that you've seen Jeff's furry features elsewhere, then you might have seen him on "The Muppet Show", because - Art?
I Always Wondered Who That Sesame Street Character Was Modeled ...
Which is whom?

     And with that we are so very very done!

*  Yes yes yes, it's not a real hammer.  I know that.  You know that.  But - does the hammer know that?
**  Poetic licence.  I'm allowed.

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