- to that classic cartoon "Pinky and the Brain". They were two laboratory mice, you see, whose genes had been spliced, which resulted in one being a genius and the other an idiot (Pinky, if I have to draw you a picture).
No, Art, that's not what - O never mind. |
"Gee, Brain, what are we going to do tonight?" in an annoying falsetto. The Brain would reply:
"The same thing we do every night, Pinky - TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!"
I am not a mouse, nor do I have a mousey partner, and it is still daylight in the Allotment of Eden but I can give you the same answer. Hopefully I shall be more successful than Brain - he never quite got there, did he? and when I do Graham Norton, Russell Brand and Hatie Kopkins are going to be first into the organ banks, O yes indeed.
Enough self-pitying wibble! Let the rabid Komodo dragons loose and hurl the motley into their pit!
Well Excuse ME!
If you ever hear a denizen of Perfidious Albion mouth those words, what they actually mean is "Damn and blast you to perdition in a hundred horrible ways!!" but they're too well-bred to be so coarse.*
Something similar sprang to my lips when I espied the following in the film magazine 'Empire'. Art?
![]() |
"Untold"? Bah! |
Maybe the film's producer had never heard of 303 Squadron, but we here at the blog have mentioned them several times. They were known as "Tadeusz Kosciuszko" squadron, which is a bit of a mouthful for non-Poles, so 303 will do instead.
Browning .303 |
No, that last was a lie, I was waxing poetic.
SO! Mister Hotshot Producer, you may not have known anything about this subject matter, but BOOJUM!s readers jolly well did.
I shall now go get some lunch. Working from home does have it's advantages.
I Have To Tell - Of Hafnium
Yes, Hafnium, or Hf72 as we in the know like to call it. It doesn't sound particularly terrifying, although it does get more interesting as you look into it.
For one thing, that clever Ruffian Mendelev predicted it would exist, about 50 years before it was actually found. Another thing about hafnium is that it is very, very similar to zirconium, to the point that it's difficult to differentiate between the two. Art?
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A heft heap of Hafnium |
Hafnium itself livens up when finely divided - imagine working on a piece and filing off a snag - because it will spontaneously ignite, giving off toxic fumes - oops, you forgot a gas mask, you're dead.
What the well-dressed Hafnium worker ought to be wearing |
Damn You! Stop Being Entertaining - STOP IT I SAY!
Once again I have had to switch Radio Six off, because those rascals Radcliffe and Maconie are on and their banter between records is far too interesting. Not merely about the music and the bands, but all sorts of tangential subjects, too. Art?
Radcliffe on left, Maconie on right |
"STOP BEING SO ENTERTAINING!" bellowed your humble scribe - this working from home has it's disadvantages, you know - and turned it off.
* I use TWO exclamation marks to show how annoyed they are. I know, I know, it's a bit much - still, it gets the point across.
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