Wonder Wifey, for one. This is a consequence of working from home - yes, I am banging on about that again - and the chair upon which I sat, which was a functional wooden one with four steel legs. I haven't taken a photo, and can't be bothered to go off and take one, so use this as an opportunity to use your imagination.
Not that much - |
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£5 well spent |
And after that look at domestic bliss within The Mansion, let us cast the motley into a pool of molten <thinks> boron!
Well Well - What The -*
Bitten on the nethers by the Coincidence Hydra AGAIN. If you can cast your mind back over the past week, I've been banging on about a very interesting book called "Tank Action" by David Render, about his post-D-Day campaigning as the commander of a troop of Sherman tanks. Art?
The edition I have |
"Where's the coincidence, then?" I hear you query. "We like seeing your arse get gnashed by the Hydra, but we haven't seen it yet."
No, Art, no. Nice try, though. |
Oh, and this. Art?
![]() |
Three lines down at the beginning |
So That's What They're For!
I did wonder. And get your squalid minds out of the gutter, I've just told you that BOOJUM! is SFW. It would be easier if I were to explain this with pictures, so - Art?
A Matilda infantry tank |
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Explicated! |
Well, that's quite enough about tanks for one post. What shall we witter on about now?
Ah Yes - A Pool Full Of Molten Silver
This is what we chucked the motley into yesterday. Now, with no idea of what the motley is, let alone what it looks like, it would need extensive fireproof insulation in that pool -
We are assuming a 20,000 gallon pool here, and the first thing is that filling it with silver would be <ahem> rather expensive - £26 million, rounding down a bit for a bulk discount.
The second thing is that you would need some really, really powerful heating to render the silver molten, in fact heating capable of reaching nearly 10000C, so your electricity bill would be pretty staggering, too. Hence the need for an asbestos suit for the motley.***
What the well-dressed motley wears to swim |
* No vulgarities here, still SFW
** Reading military history for fun. What a hard life.
*** Yes, yes, asbestos is deadly dangerous. YOU'RE THROWING THE MOTLEY INTO A POOL OF MOLTEN METAL AT 9610C! Show some perspective.
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