Due to attend a 21st this afternoon meant Conrad had to venture into that sticky Wiki of iniquity - Manchester (obviously!) - in the morning, foregoing his habitual pot of tea and reading session. Hence, too, no earlier post. Unfortunately I had to swill tea and champagne and scoff sandwiches and cake for a couple of hours instead of - no, hang on, I actually enjoyed the food and gossip, didn't I?
Conrad came close |
The Fruits Of Conrad's Shopping Trip
There's no speculative visits to any shops on my itinerary; I know where I'm going, I go there, I get what I want and go home. This, perhaps, is bad news for the blog as there is little material to get out of "Bus-Oxfam-Fopp-Bus-Home". Good news for Conrad, as he is not over-fond of shopping.
Shopping is dull. Here's a man-eating sandwich instead |
The CDs
I'm glad to get the Hookworms album (the green one), I first picked up on these at work probably two years ago, eavesdropping on Ian Breen and Dave Kerry*. "The National" is because that was being played over the PA and it possessed one excellent track and one good one, reason enough to purchase. Then there's a bit of 70's nostalgia - Mike Oldfield and Vangelis, and The Drums since I heard their last over the PA at Oxfam last week. Peter Hamill (the scary b&w cver) because he's a class act, clever with lyrics; Kruder and Dorf for a touch of electro and Kasabian for a touch of rock.
![]() |
Kasabian; Kruder & D; Mike Oldfield The National; Hookworms; Peter Hammill The Drums; Vangelis |
Foolish Conrad did not take his Culture Vulture book with him, so he wasn't sure which edition of "Invincible" he's up to. My list goes up to 16 - I can say that now, looking at it, but 15 and 16 when in-store looked familiar. 17 - not sure. Issue 18 not on shelves so I got Number 19 as I definitely didn't recognise any of that. Hellboy I didn't have, no worries on that score.
The Phillip Kerr "Bernie Gunther" novels are, as I have said, written with me in mind. I would like to thank Mr Kerr for dedicating his creative life's work to Conrad, who is very appreciative.
Manchester Comic Con
No! Nothing to do with Omed Djalili or Al Murray!
Comic as in comic-book. This takes place in Manchester next weekend, and Conrad had to be reminded by his darling daughter, who is attending in "cosplay", as a minor bad guy in some obscure manga.
"You'd best book tickets beforehand," she warned, "because the queues are enormous. And inside it's incredibly busy and sweaty and expensive."
"You're not selling it!" replied Conrad, to a shrug from Sally.
"Conventions," she said, all cold hard cynicism.
Conrad gets his comic fix from Travelling Man and Forbidden Planet; should he venture forth to the Con or not?
It would mean seeing sights like this:
Parking it is a bitch, though |
Creepy and weird, and not in a good way |
My intermediate-sized notebook has gone missing.
I realise this matters little to you out there, with all your digital devices and wireless technology, but a dyed-in-the-wool dinosaur** like Conrad needs his hard copy notbooks. Here we see the
large notebook and the small notebook - looking well-used - but the intermediate, with it's perforated pages that allow internet recipes to be torn out for storage in a file in the kitchen, is missing. I know I had it in the kitchen on Friday evening, for that was when I compiled a list of shopping. Plus it has an outline for Chapter Nine of Revelations and I don't want to have to create that from scratch again.
Damn you, memory, damn you all to hell! I shall go and look further when I go for some food (turns round suddenly to see if it was sneaking up on him - no it wasn't)
Self-pitying, otiose and prolix he may be, but Conrad will gladly post undignified and mocking photos if it means more blog traffic. And here is proof:

* Yes, that Dave Kerry, the one trying to explain football to Conrad. Brave soul
** Conrad is well aware that this is mixing metaphors, but - it's his blog!
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