Yesterday's blog having been astronomical in nature, today I feel a bit earthier and less ethereal, probably something to do with the huge meal just guzzled at the carvery. My own daughter was suffering from what she described in me as "Old Man's After-Dinner Nap". That'll larn 'er. Earlier at work I'd had a tub of date-expired Indian dips with half a baguette, and a persimmon and three Kiwi fruits and a tub of Chicken a la King and a tin of sardines and more stale baguette dipped in Marmite and a small tomato and mozzarella flan, so most of the blood in my body was circulating round my stomach. And I've just had a bowl of ice-cream (why yes it was home made, actually).
Grrr! Still baffled by mobile not registering when attached to PC. I tried shouting at it, with no success. This blog being heavy on text, it could do with a picture or two and what better than my daughter's A2 art display which I've been to see this evening. The photos of this exhibition are on my phone - hang on - <shouts WORK! loudly at phone> nope still the recalcitrant. Lots of big artworks that she'd done, including a pot that is a) Enormous, b) Heavy and c) Fragile, and which will be tremendous fun for the hapless chauffeur who has to bring it home, eh? Also a charming little sculpture of a mole just begging to be stolen as it's small enough to fit in a pocket.
This is the 21st Century. The Chinese have manned a space station in orbit, I can book car park spaces for a month online without having to display a permit, and cassette tapes have gone the way of the Dodo. Why, then do some folk swell up like toads, bristle like porcupines and spit venom* when the subject of same-sex marriage comes up? Consenting adults and all that. Remember - 2013, not 1850. You get further with tolerance and compassion.
* like a snake, except three animal examples would be too much, and the Spitting Cobra is actually more like the Spraying Cobra, and yes, Valeria, it is real.
"Fear me! Fear m - oh. Glasses."
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