* As a gentleman notice I focus entirely on Nigella's culinary achievements. Thank you.
Raison d'etre
NO! Not an ice-cream flavour! It's French. Go look it up.
Becca, one of the Bright Young Things I work with, and who incidentally inspired me to start BOOJUM!, asked what my Blog was about.
"Anything that comes into my head" was my instant response.
But! Now I begin to worry. Should my blog have a theme? A thread? A particular goal or audience or aim? A target demographic? Who or what am I writing it for? Do I expect feedback and comments and input and reciprocation -
At which point I realise work has invaded the left hemisphere of my brain. Bugger off, work!
"Anything that comes into my head" is to be the defining factor. If you prefer statistically-monitored blogs that interpret visitor metrics and deliver accordingly-crafted posts - this is not the blog you're looking for.
All Is Well with Faber-Castell
I just dug out an ancient drawing board that's been in the family for at least 25 years. It has a latitudinal clip for holding paper steady, and a small longitudinal clip for A3 sized sheets, is gridded in 5mm squares, and used to come with a clip-on cursor that probably disappeared two house moves ago. The top right and bottom left quadrants of the grid are worn away to nothing - this is because I used to perch the board on the handlebars of my exercise bike and use it to move my PC's mouse around; the combination of friction and sweat for 30 minutes eventually swept all the grid lines away. It has deep cracks across half the underside that were only stopped by a rubber foot, or the whole thing would have fallen apart.
Why is this significant? Well I remember using a considerably less-abused board 25 years ago, trying to design a hex-and-counter wargame for the Russo-Japanese War. Now I'm using it to draw counters for a hex-and-counter wargame for the Passchendaele campaign of World War One. What goes around comes around, eh?
Plus - an eerie coincidence - I Googled to see if Faber-Castell are still in business. They are. Not only that, one of their current lines of colour pens is branded "Gelato". What is the brand name of my ice-cream maker? Yes. "Gelato".

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