Nor Minibrix nor Bayko, and Meccano is too two-dimensional to consider as any form of "Block". No, this evening I happened to wonder if there was anything out there that had the title of a "B Lock" and, rather to my surprise, there is. Art?

B Locks
These are, apparently, a type of puzzle where you have to work out how to unlock the padlock, which, at £95 each, Conrad thinks he can easily resist, all the more so as a normal padlock from B & Q costs about £5. SO, there you have today's title.
Whilst on about price, I would like to return to the Seabreacher semi-submersible sea demon, which you really need to see perform in a video rather than the stills I've posted here. Is it possible?
There you go. As I glibly speculated earlier today, don't be surprised if the Marinenjaegerkommandoen* end up with a couple of these puppies for rapid response in the North Sea.
Shark shark! |
There we go, this evening's Intro. Motley! Fetch me a golf club and some walnuts, for I feel snackish.
Okay, Now Lego
You see? You see what happens if you have a little patience? Okay. As you know, we here at BOOJUM! have found a fruitful topic in Lego builds, both the gigantic bespoke ones that require tens of thousands of bricks, weeks of time and endless patience, and the slightly less ambitious kits that are available commercially. So we come to the Ghostbusters HQ building. Art?
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Thus |
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Now do you see? |
Navigating The Mental Mindscape
If you are a regular here then you know Conrad suffers from the spontaneous appearance of words and phrases in his mind that appear to come from nowhere, without any real explanation. Okay, "Thrasybulus" may be due to reading about ancient Greek history, which I do on occasion**; so where on earth did the name "Waunchope" pop up from? I Googled it and there appears to be an electrical engineering company in the south of the Pond of Eden, whom I have absolutely no connection with. And that's it.
I can only suppose it's a character in a novel I've read, who has come back to haunt me like a bad smell, which would be difficult as I've got practically no sense of smell.
If you, too, are haunted by Waunchope, please let me know in the Comments and we can be strong together.
The Waunchopes, perhaps? |
Less Doo-Ron And More DesRon
This touches on an article from the podcast "We Have Ways Of Making You Talk", where Jim Holland was chatting to a South Canadian military historian John McManus, about the latter's recent work on the 1st Division, a.k.a. The Big Red One, on Omaha Beach, during D-Day. An event you may have heard of.
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The Big Red One goes in |
USS Harding |
Finally -
Proof that Conrad is, indeed, not human. I watched a short film on the BBC's I-player this evening about Films That Scared Their Child Audience, and there are some very appropriate entries there, including "Watership Down", "The Witches" and "Labyrinth". The producer's intent was to include films where the Target Demographic <hack spit Hollywoodism> aimed at children, and then included scenes utterly unfit for them to see. Art?
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Nothing a wig and some foundation won't solve ... |
Hmmmmmm. |
* The Norwegian naval Special Forces, of course.
** Attempt to be Intellectual noted <the horrid truth courtesy Mister Hand!>
*** Yes, but who is peculiar? <the horrid truth courtesy Mister Hand!>
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