Bear With Me On This, It's A Bit Of A Stretch
Let me start by adding in a visual pun for you. Art!
Do you see wh - O you do |
You see, I am watching "Extraction 2" on Netflix, which is where the crack about 'teethy' comes in, because everyone not only fears The Reaper but also The Dentist.
The first part is set in Georgia, and you might well be thinking 'Ah yes, brown bears - hang on, do they have them in the Deep South of South Canada?'
Well spotted! No, they don't. There are black bears in Florida that occasionally cross the state border - bears are notoriously unfussy about observing formal boundaries as established by Hom. Sap. - but the brown bear doesn't live that far south. Connect the dots; would you really like to be wandering about in temperatures of 32ºC in summer, wearing a fur coat you cannot remove?
No, you see, this is the other Georgia. No. Not South Georgia. That's a British dependency in the South Atlantic <sigh> Art?
I am talking about the Trans-Caucasian nation whose capital is Tbilisi, which ought to have given you a clue, seeing as it's in the title. Does it really seem to chime with cities named 'Atlanta' or 'Savannah'? because it's landlocked and mountainous. Art!
Old Tbilisi |
Georgian is one of a cluster of languages spoken in the region and has it's very own crazy alphabet, which, if Art will put down his fork and coal-
I know, I know, it looks as if Ol' Tolky had been doodling another language to grace Middle Earth with. Nope. Genuine alphabet.
ANYWAY One of the many, many things that Your Humble Scribe dislikes immensely about films is that people get shot, stabbed, blown up, bludgeoned and variously subject to battery, yet five minutes later they're back in the fray as if it was merely a scratch. Art!
The Exemplar, who may be a Knight Templar |
I don't think I'm spoiling anything if I tell you that Tyler, Chris Hemsworth's character, survived the ambiguous ending of 'Extraction' where, having been shot several times, he fell into a river (which might even be the Ganges-Padma).
His unconscious carcass is rescued from the river, treated and then flown to a presumed private hospital in Dubai, where he gradually recovers from a practically comatose state.
All told, it takes him over ten months to recover from his injuries, with lots of physio involved. Conrad approves. This is realistic; you don't leap from your bed and do a double-Marathon five days after being shot and drowned. Well, perhaps in the case of Captain Scarlet, but he is an exception. Art!
Conrad has only seen the first 24 minutes so far, and would have fared far better than that unctuous Georgian politician as I am both creative, imaginative and an utter coward; my fertile mind would have come up with a plan.
Not only that, they have dressed ancient Georgian buildings to pass as Tkachiri Prison, making it look picturesque, when the real things have a grim Stalinist Brutalist modern architectural feel to them. Art!
Art |
Life |
I'll let you know how we get on.
Darwin Award Runner-Up
We here at BOOJUM! have, on occasion, pointed out the gene pool outliers that remove themselves from being able to procreate by, not to put too fine a point on it, killing themselves. I think the most demented one was a Filipino chap trying to use an angle-grinder to open up an unexploded 250 lb bomb, They were able to bury what was left in a matchbox.
ANYWAY there are some folks who only get an Honourable Mention, meaning that they're not dead yet, but there is the distinct possibility of achieving the DA later in life. Art!
This is one of the hot springs at Yellowstone Park. Observe the boardwalk with waist-high fence that keeps people away from the superheated springs that can hit 200º C. One pair of idiots recently climbed off the boardwalk, sauntered over to the hot spring, and one of them dipped their fingers in it.
They then hot-footed (do you see what I - O you do) back to the boardwalk, the parboiled one shrieking about how hot the water was.
Colour them lucky. The edges of the springs are the least-hot part of them. And the edges are also dangerously friable, liable to collapse into the spring if they have pressure applied to them.
Poland: Safely Distant
Not only is it on the other side of Europe, what we're looking at today is also thankfully distant in time and is unlikely to be repeated.
I am talking, of course - obviously! - of Polish film posters, which enjoyed several decades of influence before dying out when the Sinister yoke fell from their shoulders. Art!
By Jacek Staniszewski. Because of course. Heaven only knows what Jacek had been imbibing or smoking when he did the preliminary sketches for this. Art!
And here he is again. One can see what the inspiration is here, if not perhaps exactly what or how the person depicted is going to do all that natural killing.
"City In The Sky"
The nuclear drama 'Downstairs' continues, not between Taiwan and China, as expected, but in the Middle East, always a bit of a powder keg.
Before he could
sample one of the crimson fruits, his Tab buzzed urgently. When he took it out of his coverall pocket,
the Emergency light blinked. His stomach
clenched in a spasm of fear: had the reactor malfunctioned?
‘Hello?’ he asked, swallowing.
Get over to the Communications Suite straight away!’
‘What -’ he began, to an already-severed
‘The Iranian military government has
launched missiles from – where is it?
Natanz – at
She felt a sense of bitter failure fall
over her like a cold blanket. The
Arcology was only up to two thousand seven hundred population, a quarter of
their anticipated target – and now it looked as if those missing thousands
would never come.
The tall, distinguished-looking Iranian
felt his blood run cold. His jaw gaped
in horror and incomprehension. For
several seconds he felt physically unable to speak.
Is this the Big Crash? Well you'll just have to wait and see, won't you?
"Inside Russia" Rolls The Dice
I patiently took notes from Konstantin's analysis of the latest Ruffian economic figures, where he made 10 points about how the Ruffian economy is doing very badly indeed. Whilst lying about it by sins of omission. Art!
That's from the days when he really did live inside Ruffia, and he had to be very careful about exactly what he said and how he said it. Now in exile in Uzbekistan, he's enjoying the cuisine of Tashkent without having to worry about being imprisoned or mobilised, or imprisoned and then mobilised. Plus he can say what he likes, and since his chosen subject is economics, he's had no shortage of topics to talk about.
I shall only go into his first item: 1) "Comparing Apples And Oranges". The Ruffian Ministry of Finance is trying to claim that the economy in April and May of 2023 is doing realllllllly well.
As Big K explains, they do this by comparing these months with April and May of 2022, when the economy was in a dreadful mess after the Three Day Special Military Operation turned into a Three Month Special Idiotic Operation. Art!
He goes on to further explain that, if one compares April and May of 2023 with April and May of 2021 - a year before the SIO - the economic figures are extremely bad. Sorry to our Faithful Four Ruffians in the audience out there, but truth will out.
Finally -
Payday tomorrow!
Well, hopefully. Things might have gone a little pear-shaped with our transfer from Serco to Another Coyly Anonymous employer. Better go check the balance.
Pip pip!