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Saturday 22 February 2020

Cover me #2

Except Not How You Were Thinking

Because that would be sensible and logical, and we can't be having that, can we?

     Okay, before we commence with my pontificating - a word I shall have to examine at length later on - I would like to bore you with my tale of traffic trauma last night.  SIT BACK DOWN!  If I had to experience it, then you can suffer as well.

     First of all, there was a bus at my bus stop that had broken down.  Bad bus!  Naughty bus!  No polish for bus!

Image result for lever street manchester bus stop
My bus stop just out of shot

     Then, behind that one, was a maintenance vehicle, and behind that, my bus.  Now, there was space in front of the broken down bus for my bus, except it's a well-known fact that bus drivers have a morbid fear of spaces, so my bus remained stuck in place until repairs were effected.

     Then, thanks to the roadworks at the top of Oldham Street, it has become a major accomplishment to merely get out of Lever Street.

Image result for manchester roadworks city centre
The gridlock was gridlocked

     Then the fun really began.  A mile further on, a stretch of the A62 northbound had been closed, because - hmmm - because the people doing it are power-mad tyrants out to subvert civilisation?  Cue a long diversion into a long queue of traffic.

     Still, the fun wasn't yet over.  When we tootled along Dean Lane and got under the bridge where there is a distinct risk of flooding, the road ahead was wide open!

     No, I'm lying: it was closed.  Cue another long looping diversion before we get back on track.

     Still with me?  O good, because at Chadderton one lane had been coned off, meaning a crawling chaotic snarl of traffic, thanks to the cone-happy traffic blockers.

     Then, finally, at bus stop in Royton the 409 was two minutes late.  This may not seem like much, but when it's chucking it down, freezing cold and when the wind has knives in it, two minutes feels more like ten.


     Motley, we have to hurry up and invent teleportation technology!

Back To The Bucket List

You know, those 51 sci-fi works you simply have to read, or you'll be scorned in polite sci-fi circles (if such things exist).

     So -
     Interposit: the dreaded Formatting Cursor of Doom hit iteration #1 so I am trying to rescue with this one - we shall see if it works.  Or not.
     Anyway - the bucket list.  Art?
Image result for simmons hyperion
Another nope
     Conrad hasn't read this one, though the write-up on Wiki does make it sound interesting, and a few people have mentioned it with warm recommendations over on Facebook's Space Opera pages.  I do have another horror-thriller of his, "Carrion Crow", and was suitably impressed by, so "Hyperion" and I may yet cross paths.  Waterstones after work?  Although I do still have an even larger book mountain to get through, so I really shouldn't.  I really shouldn't.  Even the voices in my head are telling me not to*.
     Hmmm.  The format is a bit jittery but apparently holding up.  Next!
Image result for binti
Another nope
     I dunno, this one sounds like it ought to be filed under "Worthy and also dull", although there does seem to be some action involved, by mutant murderous jellyfish space aliens, at the risk of making it sound more interesting than it actually is.  Perhaps see if the library in Royton has a copy?
No Moral Resolution?
Your Humble Scribe has finally finished watching "San Andreas", which I finished after watching over a period of many days.  So - Conrad is puzzled about the eventual fate of the Riddick character. 
Image result for riddick san andreas
Mister Sleazebag
     Of course, as he is proven to be an unprincipled bottomhole of epic proportions, he's played by a British actor, because Hollywood.  Though they do round things out by having some quite heroic junior leads be British as well.
     The thing is, Your Modest Artisan cannot remember Riddick getting his oh-so-poetic end.  You know how these things are set up in films - he thinks he's getting away scot-free, and then an elephant falls from the skies and crushes him.  The question is, have I seen that and completely forgotten about it, because I waited until the very end of the credits before realising that, no, there wasn't going to be an elephant falling ending. 

K-Pop At The Top
I shan't overburden you with too much musical information today, so the terrifying truth about Puddles Pity Party will have to wait until tomorrow.
     Instead, let us whiz back to the topic of the top 50 K-Pop acts, and "Leessang", who use lots of sampling in their songs, tending more towards the hip-hop style than anything.  Again, they sing in both Korean and English, which is confusing.  What, exactly, are they singing about -
Image result for lessang
Blues Brothers fans
      - the human condition?  That cute girl next door?  A shopping list?  I think we should be told.  Oh, and apparently they have now broken up and don't like each other any more.  I tell you, if they'd only stuck to singing in one language and one language alone, they'd still be together.

Oh - I Nearly Forgot:  Covers
No, not the things that you put over furniture in abandoned houses, where there always turns out to be Something Horrid hiding under one of them - yes, that one, the one with a trail of blood droplets leading to it -
     Sorry, where were we?  Ah yes, "Some Enchanted Evening", that album of live songs by Blue Oyster Cult, which I was listening to on Wednesday evening.  One of the standout tracks for me is "We Gotta Get Outta This Place", a cover version of The Animals track.  Fantastic bass line.  I was minded that I like this version more than the original.  Art?
Image result for blue oyster cult we gotta get out of this place
In their heyday
     I think I've also mentioned that I like PPP's cover of "Come Sail Away" more than the original, which is a bit bland, frankly.
     However, I don't especially like Apollo 440's cover of "Don't Fear The Reaper", so a newer version of a song is not automatically a better one.

     Given how antsy and unpredictable the format is behaving, I think we shall call it quits here.
     Thank you for reading!

*  Waterstones after work it is then!

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