Veer With Me On This, Vulnavia
For those of you who haven't been paying attention, Vulnavia is the proto-audience and sounding-board whom we bounce ideas off, and have done so for several years; all the way back to 2014, in fact.
BOOJUM!: Astronomy. BOOJUM! Style
So, no, we didn't simply create her out of whole cloth in order to alliterate. Art!
We pay her in 5 cc phials of the Elixir Of Life, as recommended by her previous employer, Doctor Fybez (sp?), whom forwarded her excellent references.
Dougal is our occasionally present idiot, when he can fit us in on his busy schedule working the satellite towns of Babylon Lite.
ANYWAY I did think of titling the blog "Willow Weeping", because we're going to start off with more references to TREE LAW! which always goes down well with Your Humble Scribe. People tend to take trees for granted, you see, which is their first mistake. Art!
I'm telling you nothing
The tree in question was a weeping willow, not a pine, I just couldn't resist using that old sci-fi novel title. The following details are culled from a Youtube Reddit post about love, death and redemption, without the redemption, yet with added schadenfreude. Art!
The willow comes into the tale early on as background, because it was within it's canopy that Vengeful Poster and her Boorish Boyfriend made with the locking of lips when they started out. Said willow was handily located near their apartment, until VP broke things off with BB, whom it is fair to say did not handle rejection well. Art!
Well aware of VP's romantic attachment to the tree, he maliciously informed her via text FOOL LEAVING EVIDENTIARY TRAIL that he'd felled 'their' tree, har har har. I added in the laughter as it seemed appropriately crass.
VP immediately forwards this confession to the landlord, whom is predictably extremely unimpressed at having a mature willow chopped down, since they cost thousands to replace.
Thus, two weekends later, VP is able to witness BB out on the lawns with various power and hand tools, and one of these - Art!
A tree-stump remover. BB spent all day digging up the old tree stump, getting rid of the roots and planting a new willow sapling. All of which he paid for himself, as otherwise it was fine and crime time.
Yes, it did take him all day, and a hot, sweaty effortful day it was, too, because if you want to understand how large a tree's root system is, look at how large are the array of branches it possesses. Art!
That's the root system for a willow tree. Incidentally, one of the lesser-known but salient facts about willow trees is that their roots will automatically make for any nearby water sources, such as underground aquifers, or water or sewer pipes. Builders beware.
Displaying a staggering level of unawareness, BB turned up at VP's door, filthy and sweaty, asking if they could use their shower?
EFF NO! was the short, loud response, followed by another short loud response as the front door was slammed.
Here is the vehicle bit. You see, BB had driven to the apartment in his Dodge Ram pickup truck, which he treated with far more care and affection that VP, and which he needed to transport the tiller, tools and sapling. Art!
'Twas showroom pristine
So he tried to protect the seating from his soiled clothing and skin by putting newspapers down upon the fabric. Then he discovered that the newsprint rubbed off on the fabric, and was wroth. Which means he swore loud and long. VP, seeing and hearing all this from her apartment, and probably with a bucket of popcorn in hand, merely smiled a malicious smile of triumph.
Well, that's our Intro out of the way, and it has put forward both trees and vehicles, which we shall come back to.
Vehicles And Vatniks
Here Conrad is going to show more of vehicles and trees, although first I need to educate you about tank transporters. Art!
This here is a British version, transporting - you may be ahead of me here - a tank. Why do this when the tank is perfectly capable of travelling under it's own power? O I thought you'd never ask!
1) Mileage. Tanks are notorious petrol-hogs that measure consumptions in gallons per mile, the consequence of being a dirty great lump of metal. Moving by an Antar HETS means lower fuel consumption.
2) Wear and tear. Tanks need an awful lot of tender loving mechanical affection to keep running, so the less strain placed on the engine, power train, suspension, wheels and tracks the better.
3) Road surfaces. Having a regiment of 70-ton tanks driving over the tarmac does it no good at all, much to the dismay of Mr Joe Public in his family saloon.
Ruffian tank on a Ruffian tank transporter. Note the absence of tracks on the tank, implying that it's a battlefield casualty that has been recovered. Note also that there aren't any chains or cables securing the tank in place, because what happens next? Art!
The TT reverses WITHOUT RAISING THE ACCESS RAMPS. These, when raised, form a physical barrier that prevent vehicles from, O I dunno rolling off the back thanks to inertia. Because whoever drove that tank up onto the TT left it in neutral, the maroon. Art!
You'll have noticed the tree
No chains or cables, no brakes, no raised ramps and presumably no driver, either, as the trackless tank rolls right off the back of the TT. Thirty tons of metal with no driver careering across the road; just another Tuesday in Modern-day Mordor. Art!
The tree comes off substantially worse, being knocked completely flat when the tank's wayward progress is interrupted. The orc filming this then pans back to the TT. Art!
That's my attempt at a moulage shot. Not bad. I wonder what the OC in charge of these Karno's Army rejects had to say about this failure?
Vehicles And Volts
Or should that be 'dolts'? As you may be aware, neo-Nazi bampot Elong Tusk has invested heavily in his Tesla car, which runs off electrickery and which are ruinously expensive. Art!
This is a Model 3, which will set you back at least £43,000 and up to £58,000 in proper money. "Iamundertow" on Twitter informed that his neighbour, a big Ketamine Kid fan, bought one of these on an instalment plan. Let us be charitable and assume he paid only (!) £43K.
Surprise! He couldn't keep up with the payments and is now looking to sell his Model 3, except that it instantly depreciated to £21K whilst he still owes the balance of nearly £40K on it.
Ooops. Iamundertow, very uncharitably, is laughing, pointing and consuming popcorn, the cad. Also, tee hee.
Frogs In Bogs
Yes, Conrad is using poetic licence here, as we've got pictures of the conventional Matilda II tank as it comes a cropper in New Guinea, during the Second Unpleasantness in the Pacific whilst in service with the Ockers. Art!
No tank transporters here. This one is a bit awkward, so let me interpret it for you. This Matilda was driving alongside the creek, and the driver strayed too close to the edge, which crumbled under the weight of a dirty great lump of metal. Consequently 'Cairns' slid sideways into the stream, canted too far over to either reverse out or push on forward. They're going to need another Matilda to hitch a cable to the rear and tow it back out, probably also slewing it around to get it perpendicular to the creek to get maximum traction. The only good thing in compensation is that this is comfortably distant from the Japs, as nobody is crouching under fire or worried about enemy shelling. I bet the driver gets a right rocketing, however.
The End Times Are Upon Us
I will forgive you if you think this is about Mopey Dick, the Great Orange Whale, or Kaptain Ketamine, the toxic Tesla toad. No! This concerns much graver matters. Art!
Honestly, you give them the vote and next thing they're running the country, being all touchy-feely and empathithtic (sp?). Thank the lord aloft we don't have the equivalent of Bloaty McBloatface here in This Sceptred Isle. Art!
Makes trailer trash look classy
Finally -
Don't dare put the bottle bin out this afternoon as it's surpassingly windy.