Allow me to present to you, gentle reader, the Lernean Hydra, a real cutie if ever there was one:
Okay, you got me, I lied about "Cuddly" and "Cutie" |
Actually What I Really Want To Refer To Is This HYDRA:
The sinister opposition to SHIELD, with the sigil -
Just the point I wanted to get across! |
Please note how I have correctly apostrophised this motto.
HYDRA are seen in the opening of "Avengers: Age of Ultron", getting the snot kicked out of them for a good twenty minutes, in case you want a reference. Now, Director Nick Fury, can we have a response to HYDRA's motto?
DNF: You bet you sweet ass you can!
Conrad: Language, sir, language. BOOJUM! is SFW and small children.
DNF: Really?
Conrad: Yes, really.
DNF (sarcastically): Really?
Conrad: Yes, still really. Director, I write these scripts. I will always come out - OW!
DNF (Rubbing knuckles): Didn't see that one coming, did you, Conad.
Conrad: It's CONRAD - hang on, how have you managed to hijack my blog?
DNF (taps eyepatch): I could tell you. But then I'd have to kill you.
Conrad (nervously): Ah, look, can we get back on topic?
DNF (laughing): I was only messing with ya! Sure, my response to HYDRA. Thanks for the heads-up, HYDRA. That leaves me free to gas, poison, electrocute, explode, flamethrower, bludgeon or drop you from height.
Not - I repeat NOT - a man you want on your arse |
The Avengers Vs. HYDRA
Let's analyse how The Avengers would fare against HYDRA, by looking at their various modus operandi*.
Thor had Mjolnir, which you can classify as Bludgeon Writ Large, whilst the Hulk has his fists (each about the size of a fifty-gallon oil drum) which deliver Bludgeon, in vast amounts. Try growing back after being turned into a thin red paste! Iron Man - laser! The Vision - twin lasers!! (refer to "flamethrower"). Try growing back after being turned into ash! Hawkeye - he probably has umpteen varieties of Exploding Arrows, Electrocuting Arrows, Gas Arrows and Napalm Arrows. Captain America has his indestructible Vibranium Shield, useable as a Bludgeon, although you'd have to warn him off against using the rim, as it would then become an edged weapon. Black Widow would just use a gun. Or, perhaps, neck-breaking sneaky karate moves. Scarlet Witch - pummelling the evil minions with telekinesis and sending them round the bend at the same time.
Oh - Thor and Iron Man? "Drop from height". You wouldn't grow back from that.
I didn't include Quicksilver because - (spoiler)** |
What's The Opposite Of Writer's Block?
![]() |
The raw material of BOOJUM! |
This is certainly the case tonight - there's about three blogs worth of material there.
At Last! It All Makes Sense!
If you have any long-term memory, you will recall Conrad banging on about the fifth-storey level light bulbs at The Electric Goldfish Bowl, and how they were only replaced after considerable delay, viz:
![]() |
Still out, and has been for weeks. Now I know why. |
That is, the ability to remotely move matter at a distance without any physical contact.
Who have we encountered tonight who has telekinesis?
The Scarlet Witch!
It's so obvious now - she has her Avengers crime and supervillain opposition schedule to adhere to, so she can only come to replace these bulbs on a very irregular basis.
So - Did Neanderthals Have Fire?
According to a quick Google, yes they did indeed, and around the 400,000 years ago mark. I shall have to inform the Lovely Ladies who Lunch.
Kebab-time for Mrs Neanderthal |
Ah, the relish with which I lay into the Beard Of Avon! What pithy and ascerbic rebuttal do we have tonight?
"To be or not to be, that is the question -
No it isn't! It's "how to cure my indigestion?"
Yeah, Bill, Gaviscontemplate that one.
Oops! Up to 800 words and there's loads left to type up. Maybe tomorrow.
* Latin but I'm afraid there's no choice but to use it.
** He's dead. Actually this is Marvel so they were probably just flesh wounds and he'll be back in the next film.
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